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Multi So, what are you playing now?

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Kronos, 29 Apr 2014.

  1. GeorgeStorm

    GeorgeStorm Aggressive PC Builder

    16 Dec 2008
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    Installed Volume the other night as I picked it up in a recent Humble Bundle.
    Really enjoying it so far, lovely art and general game style, and I quite like the general stealth/puzzle theme :)

    Also been meaning to play some more of Blockhood that I got for Christmas which is a slightly different take on city building games.

    I got Kalimba for Christmas as well from my brother, and we blasted through the co-op levels, really enjoyed them (only wish there were more!) and have since gone through the single player, with plenty of play still left in it as I'll slowly but surely try to 100% it. Great puzzle platformer.
  2. Paradigm Shifter

    Paradigm Shifter de nihilo nihil fit

    10 May 2006
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    Kingdom Rush: Frontiers.

    Enjoyed the first one, the second is just as good! Highly recommended for anyone who likes Tower Defence games.
  3. DeckerdBR

    DeckerdBR Minimodder

    9 Mar 2011
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    Dipped back into 7 days to Die, big improvements compared to when I last played but I still can't shake the feeling that it is too easy to just turtle up in a super fortress like base with a big farm, leading to very little reason to take further risks exploring.

    I guess that's a problem with most survival crafting games.
  4. cookie! nom nom

    cookie! nom nom Minimodder

    27 Apr 2012
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    Tropico 5

    Cant say that i like it really. Seems to be missing story, very complicated Compared to tropico 3-4.

    Just fails to intrest me unlike the old games.
  5. Paradigm Shifter

    Paradigm Shifter de nihilo nihil fit

    10 May 2006
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    I enjoyed Tropico 5, but I can see where you're coming from. From all reports, its initial release was seriously lacking in content compared to Trop3/4, but I've only ever played the Complete Edition so I can't comment there.

    I do agree that some of the targets in the campaign seem close to unachievable at times.
  6. xaser04

    xaser04 Ba Ba Ba BANANA!

    27 Jun 2008
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    Started playing Star Trek Online and have fallen for it big time. Its F2P MMO roots are obvious (I have put over 60 hours into Neverwinter so it isn't new) but as a Trekkie I can't help but be drawn in by the universe.

    MT's are there but they seem to be linked specifically to getting specific ships / resources which may be beneficial at the end game (basically reducing the grind).

    I am just enjoying the story and exploring the galaxy right now (level 36 Captain with a T4 Galaxy class Cruiser).

    Gameplay is split between space exploration / combat and 3rd person on foot missions. The latter are a bit meh but the space combat is both simple and complex at the same time. It has the typical MMO elements of blending normal base attacks (phasers / torpedoes etc) with time based "skills", threat control and overall positioning (certain weapons have a limited targeting arc so your DPS can vary wildly depending on the angle you are at vs the enemy). Of course none of that matters when you try to go toe to toe with an entire fleet of Borg ships.... I think my ship lasted around 6 seconds as I didn't realise one of my skills caused 100% threat.... :p

    In general I still have no real idea what I am doing skill wise but I am loving it. :D
  7. suenstar

    suenstar Collector of Things

    13 Sep 2009
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    Watch Dogs 2 (PC)
    I think I'm nearly at the end of the story for this one now, lots of side activities still to complete as the city is absolutely plastered with races and mini events to take on. I've enjoyed most of the game, the odd glitch has forced me to have to restart a couple of times (things like not being able to enter/exit vehicles) but that hasn't caused too much trouble.

    My only major disappointment with the game is that there's sod all to do in the water and that covers a large portion of the map, if they do a big expansion then it would be nice if it had some content that makes use of that space.

    Witcher 3 (PS4)
    I got this with my PS4 when I bought it around 2 years ago but only just unpacked the game last week as I've played a fair bit of the game on the PC already and have been a bit underwhelmed by Uncharted 4.

    Just finished clearing up all of White Orchard and have made my way to Velen to meet with the Baron last night.

    I always feel like I'm the villain when I'm playing Witcher as I probably spend at least a third of my time looting everyone's houses for alchemy and crafting supplies.
  8. phinix

    phinix RIP Waynio...

    28 Apr 2006
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    Shadow Tactics - awesome game, especially for those who loved Commandos series in the past.
    Played 4 missions so far, it gets better and more challenging with each missions.
  9. Byron C

    Byron C Multimodder

    12 Apr 2002
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    Fallout 2. Just don't try and play it without the unofficial patch. I've also installed the Restoration Project. Such a good game...

    I am trying not to be tempted by this. Last thing I need is an MMO to sink time into.
  10. Vault-Tec

    Vault-Tec Green Plastic Watering Can

    30 Aug 2015
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    I was actually quite enjoying that game (FO2) on my old Powerbook. Then I forgot about it and it fell to the wayside sadly.

    I do have it though (I've bought it three times now!) so really should get into it one day. I bought the mini nuke box set, though I won't be opening that. I know I have it on disc at least twice more though in other collections I bought.
  11. Byron C

    Byron C Multimodder

    12 Apr 2002
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    If you ever do play it, make sure you're using the Unofficial Patch :thumb:
  12. Yadda

    Yadda Minimodder

    25 Jul 2003
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    Assassin's Creed 3, which I got through the Uplay giveaway before Christmas.

    Not my usual genre but I'm enjoying it so far. Even just running around, leaping and climbing everything is surprisingly good fun.
  13. Ryu_ookami

    Ryu_ookami I write therefore I suffer.

    11 Mar 2004
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    Zombie Army Trilogy it was 80% off on steam earlier and I feel lousy with the flu so decided to treat myself :)
  14. Greentrident

    Greentrident Minimodder

    10 Jul 2009
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    Sunless Sea - it's good innit?!
  15. yodasarmpit

    yodasarmpit Modder

    27 May 2002
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    I still find myself loading up Day of Defeat Source, might have a look at Battlefield 1 - not really much else that grabs my attention.
  16. Kronos

    Kronos Multimodder

    6 Nov 2009
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    Battlefield 1 I have had this game a while now and for some reason I never even looked at it preferring to return to Mad Max, Anyway got past the initial part and am now playing the game proper. The first mission split into 4 chapters i think involves a tank and is pretty good though I only discovered that there are collectables one of which was at the top of the house but you needed to fire off shots to give you enough light to get up the stairs which I felt was a bit silly.
    So far so good though I will probably need to play though again as it is a bit of a learning curve this time through.
  17. Arboreal

    Arboreal Keeper of the Electric Currants

    21 Jan 2011
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    My LAN guys bought it in the sale, and it's a bit of fun for a change.

    Just finished Sniper Elite 3, also by Rebellion

    Will be loading up Dishonoured this week, and probably playing mostly in stealth mode
  18. Vault-Tec

    Vault-Tec Green Plastic Watering Can

    30 Aug 2015
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    Dead Rising 3.

    After attempting to rekindle the desire to play DR2 I realised it was not going to be, given that the game does not natively support the X360 controller. I managed to get it working using an app but my mate was having no such luck. So we decided to buy DR3 instead and very glad we did. The new graphics and features etc are fantastic. Love being able to drive too, especially on some of the whacky vehicles you can make.

    Great fun overall, and will no doubt be playing it a lot for the foreseeable :)

    Will do. Any idea what it does?
  19. Kronos

    Kronos Multimodder

    6 Nov 2009
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    Loved Dead Rising 3 especially with the digger/motorbike combo, you can really slaughter the dead with that.
  20. Vault-Tec

    Vault-Tec Green Plastic Watering Can

    30 Aug 2015
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    Yup that's the thing ! called a hog or something. Absolutely frikkin hilarious ! you get completely drenched in blood too. And they even added a flame thrower, I mean seriously what more could you ask for? :D

    It's not often a game makes me smile but when I first jumped in the red truck at the beginning and realised you could actually plough through those hoards? OMG I was in fits of laughter, cheering out loud the lot :D

    Great game. Just so much fun. Love the proper axe too, and splitting the buggers right down the middle :rock:

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