I have read excellent things about Dishonored, but have not played it so cannot comment. Xcom was brilliant though, and managed to really revamp a usually unpopular breed: a turn-based strategy game, and keep it dynamic and fun with exceptional production values. A key factor was eliminating the number one flaw in the original games, which soon made the game quite tedious: the move system. The first two had a massively BORING move system in which you inevitably found yourself moving your units in a group and using move points to have everyone face outwards to prevent aliens sneaking up on you. These move points slowed down the game enormously, and each turn could take forever, especially in critical fights. I truly look forward to seeing a renewed franchise develop as a result, and at the moment am enjoying the mods (http://xcom.nexusmods.com/) that exist.
Torchlight II humiliated Diablo 3 IMHO, and is far more fun. Incredibly, it can run on an i5 laptop using only Intel 3000 graphics, and almost all maxxed out even so (medium shadows and no AA).
The Witcher 2: Enhanced Edition for me. I'm kinda surprised its #1 now there are a lot of big games on that list. Diablo 2 was great and I don't mind doing the same level a few times, but 4 times, no thanks.
Game of the year? You guys can't be serious. a game of the year poll and Battlefield 3 isn't even there. That game has the lot. Big, medium and small maps. quad-bikes, jeeps,Tanks, choppers and jet fighters. A plethora of game types to suit all and weapons galore. Call yourselves gamers???
Ooops...my bad. Still the best game though, the other games can't hold a candle up to it. Fantastic graphics and imersive gameplay.Premium rocks! Well worth the extra, I resisted at first but man am I glad I decided to jump in. After almost a year it began to get a bit old (a whole year! try saying that about the other games) with the new maps, game types, weapons and vehicles it's a blast again! If you haven't tried it yet, go on give it a go!
Poor you if you playid whole year in one game ( BF3 ). Some poples dont get it right when vote. Poor you. I dont see the point of voting for big companys and for these games that only have multyplayer. I personaly wont to vote for Torchlight 2 or black ops 2( single player is amaizing) just the best. In BF3 signle player if bad, im sorry but it is.
mmmm i really dont think mass effect should be out of this. not the best end. but just started replying it, and seeing keiden and the rest again just gave me goose bumps. not many games do this or have me remember all the party members names for me at lease. walking dead?
I wouldn't say its been a weak year but overall 2012 hasn't been the best year for gaming. It's had a very strong finish with Dishonoured, Far Cry 3 and Borderlands 2 none of which I have had the time to play yet. My top 5 games of the year pretty much look like this: 1 - Halo 4 2 - Max Payne 3 3 - Okami HD 4 - Torchlight 2 5 - BlacK Messa I'm pretty sure Far Cry 3 and Dishonoured would occupy 2 of those slots if I'd had the finances to get them. January sales me thinks. Sad really that my PC has largely gone untouched this year. Okami HD is fantastic but not what I would call new. Black Messa is brilliant but not exactly new either really. Glad i kept my PS3 and Xbox though otherwise this year would have been a gaming disaster for me.
looks like I am the only one that hated the witcher 2. I never saw such an annoying combat system such as this one on the witcher. Utter c*** And I think 2012 was a good year for gaming. Such nice titles like XCOM, hitman 4, far cry 3, max payne 3, borderlands 2, diablo 3, Sleeping dogs... I HEAVILY disagree with Tomhyde1986 and I think this is one of the best year in a loooong time
I don't know, I find this kind of voting really subjective. There have been more titles that deserved place in the voting list. No genre separation, just fight with no rules. Quick and dirty. I don't want to comment the results, the variables are so distorted, it's not worth it.
+1 ... these results could more likely be for who paid and played these games... most of the ppl bought the top 5 games and liked it. saw it on the list and voted. thats not saying this is the best game this year. black mesa?? again... free. lets see how much ppl would have bought half life 1 this year.
That's to be expected with public votes: people will only vote for games they have played. But that doesn't mean the results are incorrect. More look at it as a rank of the games the most number of people enjoyed the most, which is a perfectly legitimate thing to investigate.
Hmm am I the only one who didn't really rate any of these games? Okay xcom was a lot of fun, out of all of these that was probably my favourite. Still, I'm just a little sad that these made it onto the list. Black Mesa, probably more of a nostalgia trip than anything, I liked half life, but I don't hold it up as some kind of idol that should be worshipped for all eternity. It's becoming ridiculous, people just treat Valve as if they are perfect, which just isn't the case. Dishonoured was a let down for me, but that may be attributed to how I'm just going off Bethesda now. Loved everything up to Oblivion, must have logged well over 800 hours into that game. I just thought skyrim was meh and the same for dishonoured really (yeah I know they didn't strictly develop it but still). I guess these GOTY awards never mean anything, they just become a little more ridiculous each passing year.
Most HL1 worshipers like myself say that the game is the greatest, but only when played in context. Now what I mean by context, is that when the game was released in 1998 is completely changed the gaming landscape, at that point it was mind boggling and just the most involving and entertaining gaming experience to date. Played now, or even in the last 10 years, and it's really not as good as several other more recent games. But placed in context, it's still my greatest game of all time, because of how it felt and how it made me feel in it's day - and that's something very hard to measure and contextualize without experiencing it at the time, first hand. Black Mesa for me, is no where near as good as HL1...it's virtually the same game...with better graphics...but not as good? How is this possible? I understand it's technically as good (if not better), but it cannot possibly re-capture the 'time' in-which HL1 was originally played and the impact it had in its' day. Similarly, I think HL2 is technically a 'better' game than HL1, it's got a great story, it's still very involved, the technology and graphics behind it are clearly superior...but it didn't have the impact of HL1 and it couldn't possibly have without successfully breaking new ground and doing something truly original - so HL1 will always get my vote as the greatest game ever (closely followed by the original Deus Ex of course )
Exactly, hence my nostalgia trip remark. I mean for me personally, my favourite franchise is Halo, it's something that I grew up with (sorry I missed a lot of the golden age) and holds many fond memories. That being said, when Halo:CE Anniversary was released last year, I didn't add it to any GOTY polls. Why? Like you said, context. GOTY isn't about re-releasing old titles that get the original players all misty-eyed. It's about celebrating what was newly released that year. I enjoyed Halo:CEA so much because they changed nothing besides sound and graphics, but it's not a new game. It's a loving remake that caters to fans of the original and to help add some new players who find the older titles hard to get into. Still, I'm a little annoyed by the lack of categorisation too. Bit-tech is primarily a PC gaming population, and as such, will vote for PC titles, after all that's what many will be playing. I would understand it much more if only PC titles made it onto the list, but console games were also there. This just doesn't make much sense to me as they're never going to win, even if the game is better than say another on the PC list. This is fair, one shouldn't vote for titles they haven't played, how can a user give an honest opinion without playing a game? Of course, the higher PC player base here will naturally work against a console title. I find it annoying when you have the inverse happen too on console specific sites. I don't understand why people lump things together so much.