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LOL Weird Dreams Thread

Discussion in 'General' started by Veles, 18 May 2010.

  1. Aracos

    Aracos What's a Dremel?

    11 Feb 2009
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    No I can definately tell you that my fingers smelt fine and that I had not stuck my own fingers up my arse :D

    There was also no men in or around my house although my window was open. I seriously doubt that a guy would climb in from my window, bum me, then leave without my xbox or speakers.....
  2. Unicorn

    Unicorn Uniform November India

    25 Jul 2006
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    It's happening :worried:
    boiled_elephant likes this.
  3. julianmartin

    julianmartin resident cyborg.

    25 Jul 2004
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    I understand your analogy. But I'm telling you, you dream just as regularly as anyone else.

    There's a good chance your REM sleep ends a bit sooner that the average, and thus your memory would be lacking more. Calculate when you are in REM and set an alarm to wake you up, and you will find, you were dreaming. Don't expect to remember it in the morning though without writing it down!
  4. talladega

    talladega I'm Squidward

    18 Aug 2007
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    maybe some spiders?
  5. Aracos

    Aracos What's a Dremel?

    11 Feb 2009
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    I highly doubt a spider has enough force to pry my bumwhole open :hehe: And I agree with the above picture!
  6. Raptorex

    Raptorex What's a Dremel?

    19 May 2010
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    If you want to have really real lifelike weird dreams then take some '5-HTP' half hour before bed, you can get it from Holland and Barrett (hollandandbarrett.com), it aids relaxation and helps you to chill out, ive had some really vivid lifelike dreams when taking this :D
  7. Stickeh

    Stickeh Help me , Help you.

    20 Jul 2003
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    I started to email myself interesting dreams ive had / can remember for future reading most vivid dreams when im drunk...

    In one I'm travelling down a local road, not sure of the method of transportation, but its dark foggy and icy, and i see this dark silhouette in the gutter then pieces of what look like brain matter...i actually forced myself to wake up thinking i was looking at myself.
    (i cycle this route to work, and i once saw a gentleman knock off his bike face down in middle of town as i drove past i saw the aftermath and pool of blood, so its a recollection of that but with me as the guy...)

    In another my top right pointy tooth feels loose on my tongue, falls out quickly there after, i then have my tongue on front teeth while looking at mirror, of which half my teeth are missing, and as the rest begins to crumble, i begin to cry and front top teeth just fall out...pretty erm exciting.
  8. Modsbywoz

    Modsbywoz Multimodder

    14 Oct 2009
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    i too have recurring dreams about loose teeth. Don't know what it is supposed to mean, maybe im due a checkup??? i dont know, never really paid much attention.
  9. Stickeh

    Stickeh Help me , Help you.

    20 Jul 2003
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    You ever find it always feel too real?

    I wake up tongue sweeping my mouth checking they are all there and i am very relieved to find when they are!
  10. Aracos

    Aracos What's a Dremel?

    11 Feb 2009
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    Far too real, I suppose it's just a subconsious fear for most of us to lose our teeth so it enters our dreams.
  11. deaglecat

    deaglecat What's a Dremel?

    24 Jan 2010
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    I usually only dream when I am sick... or getting sick. I think there is a physical/chemical aspect to it... maybe when I get too hot or start fighting a bug.
  12. outlawaol

    outlawaol Geeked since 1982

    18 Jul 2007
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    Aye, this happens to me when I am super sick. And thankfully I have not been for well over 2 years now. The last time was the weirdest crap ever, it was like I was fighting something the entire time I was 'sleeping'. I would get up the next day and feel like I went 20 rounds with Mike Tyson...
  13. Cheapskate

    Cheapskate Insane? or just stupid?

    13 May 2007
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    weird. I've had the dream about losing a tooth too.:eyebrow:
    I've had a few serial dreams. A common one involves me in a house nothing like my real house, but it's my house. There's all kinds of fantastic features too. The freaky bit is I've seen the same place different dreams.
    -After seeing Jurassic park, I dreamed I kneecapped a T-rex in my back yard.
    -I've also had a few FPS dreams.:D

    ...Has this subject come up before? I'm having a lot of deja vu lately.
  14. Krog_Mod

    Krog_Mod Minimodder

    23 Sep 2003
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    I have some pretty strange and vivid dreams.

    There's one where I'm talking to some girl and she's interested in God, so i take her to a church just to pick up a bible and show her and there's all these people dancing like they're on extacy and acid at the same time and it's some kind of f*ed up church service, so i grab some pamphlet and we walk back to her apartment. She lets me in and walks in behind me; just then the cupboards behind her open up and a bunch of these tiny black demons pour out and grab her, pulling her back into the cupboard and down into hell. I'm screaming (apparently woke up my brother when it happened) and I run outside to see all these people being lifted up into the air with a bright light cross looking thing about 3m above them. I feel myself being lifted up and I just look up and say "not yet" and I'm lowered back to the ground. I look around and people are going about their business like nothing is wrong, not missing thousands of people that just floated away nor seeing the little black demons scrawling around everywhere.

    Another pretty creepy dream, I'm in this flooded city (20-25ft deep 7-7.5 meters?). It's been flooded for a while because the water has settled and is fairly clear. I swim up to a balcony doorway and walk into a loft. I open the door to the 1st floor and I start swimming downward (not worrying about air). I swim into a dining room with a closed door leading to the living room. I open the door and look around at all of the furniture that's covered with sheets. I notice a rocking chair straight ahead, a couch to my left, some other randomly placed chairs and the big window with olive green curtains. The rocking chair starts rocking back and forth, faster and faster and I'm frozen with fear. A part of the olive green curtains suddenly forms around a non existent rocking chair and a ghost and starts rocking faster and faster and keeps speeding up. I'm trying to mouth anything I can to call for help but I'm literally frozen in fear only able to make horribly muffled sounds. I tried singing, praying, anything.

    Another weird (slightly less scary) dream: I was walking in a very shallow ocean somewhere and all these kids started gathering around me asking me to do it again... so I jumped. I kept going up and went right past the atmosphere and started drifting out into space and couldn't control where I was going. Slowly I drifted back down to the atmosphere and gained momentum slamming into another shallow ocean far away. There was an abandoned, destroyed mall just up ahead of me (earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes I'm guessing). So I jump into the open end of it that's dangling over the shallow ocean. It's a food court that's been cracked in half with about a 15ft gap between the halves. I go towards the ice cream place and a white tiger jumps in front of me and growls at me. I slowly move away but he lunges at me, so I jump like 100ft into the air and land back into the ocean a couple hundred feet away.

    That's all I can think of for now. If I post any more I'll try to cut them down a bit more.
  15. outlawaol

    outlawaol Geeked since 1982

    18 Jul 2007
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    I had a weird one right after I bought my 9mm pistol. My mom always has these rummage sales, and my room was above the lawn that she would lay everything out. So in the dream she was running this one and I was just watching out my window. Some people walked up and started to threaten her (or some form of harm was going to come to her) So I pulled out my pistol and shot em all dead, but it was somehow sniper style with a handgun. It didnt really scare me but left me with a great sense of protection for my family ( prolly cause I have proclaimed to my family that if some intruder were to threaten them I would kill the SOB in a heart beat, lol)
  16. stuartpb

    stuartpb Modder

    16 May 2008
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    When we lived in Germany as kids, there was an outdoor swimming pool that we used to go to in the summer hols. I was around 8-9yrs old, and I had a dream that we went swmming there. In the dream, I was getting out of the water when it went all quiet. I looked around and everyone still in the pool had frozen still in the water and the water was solid too. My family were still in the pool, and I ended up waking myself up screaming. I had this dream for a few nights, and ended up getting that worked up over it that I made excuses for a few weeks not to go swimming. It was one of the most vivid dreams I have ever had. Nowadays, I don't really remember my dreams.
  17. Idioteque

    Idioteque Telephasic Mongoose

    21 Aug 2004
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    Backstory: I'm currently jumping through a bunch of government hoops to get a common law visa to with my fiancée of two years and join her in Canada.


    After winning £550,000,000,000 on the pan-galactic mega lottery my brain decided not to process nice images of me living it up in absolute luxury, but instead being granted a Visa to Canada with absolutely no effort on my part because I had more than £500,000 saved up.

    There's something wrong with me.

    Either that or the stress is building up. Anyone got an assault rifle? Must arrange that visit to the local bell tower soon.
  18. thehippoz

    thehippoz What's a Dremel?

    19 Dec 2008
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    I'm no expert.. but I'd say thats a prison dream- the reins maybe soap on a rope I dunno

    I been having a lot of crazy dreams myself.. I'm always swinging on a swingbar and then I'm eating peanuts.. strange
  19. Twellmann

    Twellmann Carnivorous Homunculus

    5 Jan 2004
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    I spent all of last night making fresh juice; orange, apple you name it, I dreamt it.
  20. pac-man

    pac-man What's a Dremel?

    5 Sep 2010
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    I had some messed up dream where I had no teeth, I remember when I woke up the first thing I did was feel my mouth with my hands to make sure I still had my teeth! Fortunately, I did!

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