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Other What currently makes your life awesome?

Discussion in 'General' started by Brooxy, 28 Oct 2009.

  1. DeanSUNIAIU

    DeanSUNIAIU Modder

    11 Aug 2021
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    Just a shame american houses are made out of paper.
  2. BA_13

    BA_13 Minimodder

    2 Sep 2011
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    You get some fantastic lightning storms here in La Creuse, central France. They look fantastic and fill me with dread after the first one we experienced fried an Oven, phone base unit, gigabit switch, modem / router, pool cleaning robot, dishwasher and a few other little bits. It appears the strike that did the damage was within a few hundred metres as there was no appreciable time difference in the light show and painful thunder. The primary phone socket was charred and a few surge protectors blew. Since then we have moved to fibre for the phone line, surge protection in the main incoming box, local surge protection on the almost all sockets plus a second surge protection unit on the solar system power board.

    I still unplug and open the main breaker when a large storm gets close, then its iPads and the router running from my PCs' UPS for a few hours.
    IanW, perplekks45, Vault-Tec and 3 others like this.
  3. Byron C

    Byron C I was told there would be cheesecake…?

    12 Apr 2002
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    I used to work in a home insurance claims department, and I was constantly surprised at the number of lightning damage claims we’d get. Not necessarily the amount of damage it would cause, but the frequency with which it happened. Always used surge-protected extensions since then, but if the strike is close enough then there isn’t much you can do.
  4. Vault-Tec

    Vault-Tec Green Plastic Watering Can

    30 Aug 2015
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    This will probably sound very childish to many, and indeed it is, but that does not make it any less f***king awesome.

    I have been playing PUBG now for about three years. I take breaks every now and then when my anxiety flares up as I really don't like getting mad any more, but I do love my in game tat. I ignored it all for at least the first 18 months but I really am into it now.

    Any way, THE hardest item to garner in PUBG is the Legendary (literally) progressive skins for your weapon and or frying pan. To put it into context many streamers have spent upward of $2000 to get one. As such you can imagine my displeasure (lmao) when @Arboreal got proper jammy around Christmas time and managed to get one. I tend now to spend about £20 on Gcoin every 6-8 months. Mostly because I still play the game a lot (closing in on 1000 hours now which for an oldie is a lot !) but so far the progressive skins have eluded me. There are only about 7 in total, and they get refreshed onto new weapons every now and then but yeah, they are proper elusive and it only tends to be streamers who ***** tons of money that get them.

    That all changed two days ago. I stuck in my £19 ($25) into the PUBG coffers, and.....


    From my screaming and clapping my neighbours probably thought I was being murdered or something :D

    The nice thing is that for all of those years (mostly when opening free crates and stuff from points earned in game hours) I have been piling up Schematics and Polymers. See, the progressive weapon is called that because you can add to it, change the skin on it, and put all sorts of cool things on it (like a kill counter, head shot counter etc). So I immediately had enough of both to do this to mine.


    Today I got the refund on my old mattress. I decided to spend another £19. I almost had a heart attack thinking I had got another progressive skin, but alas it was not. It was a skin for the progressive gun that I don't have. However, my feeling of being skanked was immediately replaced with pleasure when I realised I could break it down and upgrade my gun again (the Dragunov) and then have enough Schematics to upgrade it twice more when I get the polymers.

    Winner winner chicken dinner.
    Pete J, Byron C, IanW and 2 others like this.
  5. perplekks45

    perplekks45 LIKE AN ANIMAL!

    9 May 2004
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    At first I thought you spoke about an in-game tattoo, and that you decided to get it done in real life.

    Not sure I'm glad that's not what your post was about in the end ... But I'm definitely happy for you. Grinding for something and finally getting it is an awesome feeling.

    Note: I love tattoos, will get my next two in 1.5 weeks.
    Last edited: 8 Jul 2024
    Vault-Tec, Byron C and Arboreal like this.
  6. Almightyrastus

    Almightyrastus On the jazz.

    21 Mar 2002
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    I have to say that it is finally nice to see a topic popping up that I can chime in on with some sort of authority and a bit of expertise having been a project engineer specialising in lightning and surge protection for almost 17 years... I also sit on 2 technical committees, one of which is responsible for training and accreditation of lightning protection designers and installers (the other being a committee on power earthing for things like substations).

    The lightning protection industry in the UK is in a bit of an odd place if you are not familiar with it as there is currently no legal requirement to do much about lightning protection, regardless of the building type and use, it is pretty much up to the building owner and their insurance company as to what they want to do. And even if they do want something, they no need to follow any particular standard to do so. Seems a bit odd, but it does free things up somewhat as strict adherence to the relevant standards might not always be possible.

    When it comes to protection from lightning, the risks that are generally looked at are the risk to life within a building, and the risk to loss of service provided by way of the electrical and electronic systems within that building. There are also risks of cultural heritage and loss of economic value, but these either don't have any bearing on lightning protection requirements or just don't produce any meaningful results when assessed.

    If an external protection system is needed for a building then along with that is the need to protect every electrical and electronic line that enters or leaves the building with appropriately rated surge protection devices (SPDs), as in you cannot sign off that external system unless these are also fitted as part of the equipotential bonding system.

    However, the key thing here is that an SPD is very much a situational specification as in those service-entrance ones are not there to protect internal systems, they are there to prevent internal sparking in the same way that you would put a direct bond onto pipes. To protect internal systems, you would need what is known as a coordinated surge protection system where the aim is to lower the surges in steps as they go through the electrical systems of the building.

    There is also the problem that not all SPDs are equal with one of the key parameters for comparing the performance of SPDs often be omitted from the documentation. It is all well and good saying that SPD 1 will be able to handle x amount of joules, or y KA of surge, but the value to keep an eye out for is the let-through voltage, often designated as Up and this will vary according to the role that the SPD will be used for.

    Service entrance or equipotential bonding SPDs will typically have a very high surge rating, but also have a higher let-through voltage of around 1500 to 1750 volts, perfect for that type of use where they might be subjected to partial direct lightning currents and are there to prevent internal sparking, but not so great for end electrical or electronic equipment protection.

    This is where a lower Up value comes in as a result of testing with different types of surge current waveforms. For single phase mains powered electronic equipment, you want to be looking at a let-through voltage of sub 600v if possible as this unit would then be classed as enhanced, giving protection from damage and destruction but also degradation and disruption. The problem being (of course) that the better the protection you get, the higher the cost of the SPD goes.

    Now the reason why there is the requirement for protecting all lines entering or leaving a building is that a surge will affect not only the power, but also the signal level lines such as data, telephone, tv, and so on (fibre being immune - can't really put an electrical surge down a glass or plastic line...). In addition to this any line with a current flowing in it will generate a magnetic field around it. If that field then cuts through another nearby line it will induce a corresponding voltage and current on that line. This means that if you protect only your power lines and you get a surge come in, you "clean" it off the power system, but should an unprotected comms line pass nearby, it can induce that surge back onto the power system.

    It's all a lot of "fun" and games to try and work out what is needed and where and indeed what is economically viable for different situations, business vs home use.
    Isitari, perplekks45, IanW and 3 others like this.
  7. Byron C

    Byron C I was told there would be cheesecake…?

    12 Apr 2002
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    I… think… I followed that… :hehe:
    Almightyrastus and perplekks45 like this.
  8. The_Crapman

    The_Crapman World's worst stuntman. Lover of bit-tech

    5 Dec 2011
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    I applied for a job last night with the Mercedes Petronas F1 team. The chances of success are very low, close to zero I would say, but it's a job I'm 100% confident I could smash out the park. Being in the position where I am, applying for that job, thinking back to when I was sat crippled on the sofa barely able to move, contemplating that being my life forever.....

    Life is good. ****ing chaos, but good :hehe:

    Also, had to completely redo the coving repair as I'd cocked up the plaster mix, had it done in a day and looks great. :dremel: :rock:

    Possibly too good sat next to the rest of it :lol: and to think I was quoted £1100. Sofas didn't cost that much! :eeek:
  9. Almightyrastus

    Almightyrastus On the jazz.

    21 Mar 2002
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    That was a pretty high level summary of the various bits and pieces that go into lightning and surge protection. I try to make it easy enough to follow with things like training on risk assessment, system design, and surge protector choice, but it is like just about any other technical subject, scratch the surface and there is a whole heap that you can go into, a lot of which most people, even installers, will never need to know. Best not to even think about going into the endless joy that is HV power earthing...
    Byron C likes this.
  10. ElThomsono

    ElThomsono Multimodder

    18 Mar 2005
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    Textbook repair, must have been very satisfying.
    The_Crapman likes this.
  11. The_Crapman

    The_Crapman World's worst stuntman. Lover of bit-tech

    5 Dec 2011
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    It was indeed. It looked so crap before, had too much water in the plaster mix and it had all cracked and crumbled away like soggy chalk. Had been a couple of weekends efforts up till then, 2 full days of form making and setting up, another weekend and an evening trying to layer in on not very successfully. Was on day 2 of a hangover and just wanted it done, so cut out all the crap, wrapped some fibreglass tape round the anchoring screws I'd installed, and weighed out the mix properly. Was amazed how easy it was once I'd got the consistency right, was done in an afternoon with 2 main layers and a final skim. Think I might be in the wrong trade if I could charge £1100 for it :hehe:
    Arboreal and IanW like this.
  12. kenco_uk

    kenco_uk I unsuccessfully then tried again

    28 Nov 2003
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    Holiday. Annnnnd relax.
    adidan, Vault-Tec, Arboreal and 3 others like this.
  13. IanW

    IanW Grumpy Old Git

    2 Aug 2003
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    The online "dashboard" for the wind farm I bought a share in has come to life. :D
    Spraduke, Arboreal and Byron C like this.
  14. Byron C

    Byron C I was told there would be cheesecake…?

    12 Apr 2002
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    I have just figured out a problem that has bugged me for years - literally years. My other half doesn't care about the detail but I need to tell someone, so I'm telling you lovely people instead :grin:
    IanW likes this.
  15. Gareth Halfacree

    Gareth Halfacree WIIGII! Lover of bit-tech Administrator Super Moderator Moderator

    4 Dec 2007
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    Finally found time to build the uConsole:


    The usual Clockwork story: clever hardware design let down by afterthought software. Hell, the official OS image ships with a broken apt signing key that expired in 2022, so that should give you an idea of how much attention they pay to these things.
    IanW and adidan like this.
  16. Vault-Tec

    Vault-Tec Green Plastic Watering Can

    30 Aug 2015
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    Those beers worked very well lol
    perplekks45, Byron C, IanW and 2 others like this.
  17. adidan

    adidan Guesswork is still work

    25 Mar 2009
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    That gives me very nostalgic ceefax feels
    IanW and Gareth Halfacree like this.
  18. Vault-Tec

    Vault-Tec Green Plastic Watering Can

    30 Aug 2015
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    So do I miss being plastered? Yes

    do I miss all the peeing? No, not not at all. I forgot what a sport peeing is when you are drunk.
    perplekks45 likes this.
  19. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Multimodder

    27 Aug 2003
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    Think it will run Bamboozle?
    adidan likes this.
  20. lancer778544

    lancer778544 Multimodder

    5 Jan 2011
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    adidan likes this.

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