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Disaster What hardware have you broken?

Discussion in 'Modding' started by Sc0rian, 23 Apr 2003.

  1. Sc0rian

    Sc0rian Here comes the farmer

    23 Feb 2003
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    Everyone has broken hardware...:eyebrow:
    I have broken:
    My mums p4 msi motherboard by hitting the cmos battery out, it lost all of its settings.
    I broke a amd 1700 and a asus a7v333 board by overclocking it..This was the result of the chip[​IMG]
    I broke a Hurcules 3d prophet III
    There maybe more if I can think off.

    These things have happened over time!! I am not a guy that goes near a computer and it all falls to bits...Not that bad.:)

    You guys must of broken worse
  2. Yo-DUH_87

    Yo-DUH_87 Who you calling tiny?

    6 Mar 2002
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    I turned a AT computer on and the PSU fizzled and died.

    My father and I were assembling a computer and one of us plugged the "idiot-proof" floppy power connector in upside-down, reversing the 12v and 5v lines, poof!

    I think I have killed a 80 MHz laptop, it refuses to turn on :(

    I have corrupted many hard drives, reinstalled Windows several times on all computers in my house(more than 20 on one computer, and at least 10 times on my newer rig) due to me being so hard on it. Several ill-fated overclocking journeys ended in total hard drive corruption.

    I have had one hard drive die on me while installing windows. It has a faulty voltage regulator on it, so it is no good for a system drive (now used as a file server drive)..

    Recently, my Voodoo 3 3300 fried (it was in a computer mainly used for internet surfing), :waah: I replaced it with a TNT2, though ;)

    Much cosmetic damage done to a few parts, such as knocking the CD tray out of several CD drives, and generaly wear and tear.

    My new system is taken very good care of, though, I don't want it to get scratched!

    I may seem accident prone, but this is over a period of 5 years or so, and 8 or more comptuers :eek:

    I'm addicted :rock: :rock:
  3. Sc0rian

    Sc0rian Here comes the farmer

    23 Feb 2003
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    My last computer I messed up and had it for one day..."the asus a7v333 with amd 1700" I got a replacment on the asus a7v333 but they sent my 1700 back

    The pc i had before the a7v33 was a shuttle ak32a with a amd 1600 chip I had it for about 6 months till I overclocked it and messed it up.

    So I just got a new computer thats what I got now, I think I must of re-installed windows more than 20times in one night as I keeped messing it up. But I finally got it now I like it.

    I broke a mate dvd drive.."come on it was on the desk wide open" it just got my jumper and pulled it out.

    Those I have thought up... But apart from that thing normally go well:)
  4. Adam

    Adam Minimodder

    26 Jan 2002
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    Building my first computer aged 11/12, a K6-2 300 IIRC, screwed the mobo directly onto the tray, no standoffs. Killed the mobo/chip. Since then I must have built 200 machines with not a single component losing its life through any fault of mine, quite a record!
  5. herbs

    herbs Nobody but us chickens

    7 May 2001
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    The only things I have broken are a floppy drive and an old 500MB hd , my bro did his nforce2 in by slipping with a screwdriver when putting in the hsf lucky for him when he took it back they didn't notice :lol:
    But I've had a amd 1333mhz and 3 hard drives fail on me but I'll never know if it was down to heat or dust etc.

    Spoke too soon just burnt out a 1800+ :waah:
    Last edited: 26 Sep 2003
  6. Astrum

    Astrum Dare to dream.

    8 Mar 2002
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    I've destroyed everything except the monitor... atleast twice... I have bad luck with hardware... Or I suppose it has bad luck with me, depending on how you look at it :rolleyes: .
  7. KMS-oul

    KMS-oul You think you know me.

    1 Aug 2002
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    A old 2 gig HD...still it gave me an excuse to open it up and be n awe with all the lovely shiney stuff. Apart from that nothing despite modding, building and fix comps on my synthetc fibre carpet for nearly a decade.
  8. Andersen

    Andersen I'm fine. I'M FINE! *banshee howl*

    25 Nov 2002
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    radeon 9700np that died cant actually be blamed on me.

    parents were visiting while i was adding some fans and arranging wires out of the way. dad picked up my r9700np with zalman cooler. he took a look at it and when putting it down, managed to drop it on table... guess what? core cracked. no shim, no warranty. :sigh: he was about to piss his pants when i said that he has to pay it (270 euros). :D

    128meg sdram stick, fell on very furry carpet so static death.

    512meg pc2700 stick. rolled over with chair. oops... byebye 80 euros.

    lg burner, just died one night.

    duron 750 (belonged to a friend). first amd cpu i installed and oops... core cracked.

    4gig seagate. forgot to screw it in place and while lifting the comp, it fell on floor. made nice grinding sound... rmaed as doa. :D

    ancient gf2mx400. tore gpu off totally after "fridge treatment". oh well, replaced with gf2.

    dozens of cat-5 cables. rolled over with chair. :D

    theres much more but those are "best events" in killing hardware. :)

    weird thing is, i havent killed any of my comps. only personally owned components were that 512 meg ddr stick and lg burner.
  9. Dad

    Dad You talkin to me?

    15 Apr 2003
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    FAR too many things both at work and at home. Been building screwing around with / repairing since well before plug-n-play systems. My 1st system was a true-blue XT running at a whopping 4.77Mhz and having 640k RAM which was HUGE back in the day. 1st computer related job was when I was 17 working at a Mac dealer and sold Mac's and Apple's (IIc, IIgi, Mac Plus, Mac SE). Does that date me or what!?

    First major screw-up was frying a Mac IIci mainboard.
  10. Sc0rian

    Sc0rian Here comes the farmer

    23 Feb 2003
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    lol @ AstrumPreliator
  11. Tribal Dragon

    Tribal Dragon Insomniac modder!

    17 May 2002
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    the only hardware that I killed was my cdrw... 3 times... but fortunatly I bought an extended warrenty so I didn't paid for replacements... still I've got from 8x to 24x :D

    I've build lot of computers and never had anything died on me... maybe lady luck is on my side for once :lol:
  12. bmh.01

    bmh.01 What's a Dremel?

    7 Mar 2002
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    I fried a 1ghz athlon by testing if I had sucessfully unlocked it...without a hsf:worried:. That was before I knew that athlons would instantly fry if powered up without a hsf.:wallbash:
  13. M_D_K

    M_D_K Modder

    3 Apr 2002
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    2 x Asus A7V8X mobos

    2 x £300 Asus GF4ti4600 with the big copper heatsinks

    2 x 550 watt psus

    KG7-Raid part mine and matts

    486 - :D

    Compaq Ipaq 3600 64mb version

    so many keyboards about 3 in the last month

    Lots of mice

    P2 350 Cpu board and ram

    coule 15" monitors

    So many other psus that have fried me and the psu its self

    Random other hardware

    couple cd roms 52x and a 48x

    so many hard drives

    thats about it can't think of anything else
  14. Smilodon

    Smilodon The Antagonist

    25 Mar 2003
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    well.. the only things i have destroyed is 2x SIMM's.. one got cut in pieces wen testing my dremel.. the other one is used as a keygrip(??).. but who knows.. it MIGHT still work.. :D :hehe:
  15. Sc0rian

    Sc0rian Here comes the farmer

    23 Feb 2003
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    i remember now, I had a 10pound case and a shuttle ak32a board "my first pc" I put the cdrom drive in would not fit so I pushed really hard, and as I was pushing it in to some sd-ram at the back and it broke the whole sd-ram slot.

    The other thing I messed up on the board is the usb. I waas messing around trying to get my front usb ports working and I put to of the same cable colours in, the onboard usb got really hot and smoked...
  16. fatal_error

    fatal_error What's a Dremel?

    3 Jan 2003
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    had a wacky cdrom once that spent its life ejecting

    psion revos dont take well to been in the bottom of dropped bags hmm nasty crack accross screen

    crushed the screen on a 386 B&W laptop that was leaning against a wall

    broke and resurected the "b" key on this keyboard gods amount of times

    yet to static any components to death, i really shud invest in one of those nice bracelets
  17. M_D_K

    M_D_K Modder

    3 Apr 2002
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    ahhh yes wrist things that might of saved all the **** i've killed :D i still wont purchase one as they require PURCHASING i do however have one hand on the case at all times
  18. Sc0rian

    Sc0rian Here comes the farmer

    23 Feb 2003
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    I tend not to bother:eyebrow:
    No hardware broken because of it yet...
  19. dhutch

    dhutch Banned

    10 Apr 2003
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    same hear - only things i ever broken is
    -2nd fan ehader on mobo Overloaded and burn off the tracks!!
    -and a blade of old 50mm cpu fan
  20. Sc0rian

    Sc0rian Here comes the farmer

    23 Feb 2003
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    I remember, I had a case fan "80m" i think going, had a speed control I put it on full 6000rpm....I coughed and hit my finger in the fan..... Cut my whole finder **** me it hurt.... Fan was ok but the speed control went funny...Now the fan spins at 1100rpm, and thats how I like it... As I got a side windows and this fan is there as it looks pretty.....

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