erm.... Separately, I've been listening to the audiobook of Devastation of Baal by Guy Haley whilst out keeping the activity up and it's pretty decent so far. Would recommend at this point (but haven't got to the ending yet, so I will retract if it's disappointing).
Well it seems the Tau codex leaks have gone down about as well as a fart in an elevator RIP modularity, and customisation, you were fun while it lasted but with all wargear now being free, people just took the best options in competitive settings....funny that
Yeah, that is a change that I simply do not understand. Might as well just make all models pushfit generic stuff, because there is literally no point taking anything that isn't the best weapon option.
Opinion poll time - Necromunda or Kill Team for a 12 year-old's introductory effort? The GW store chap told me Kill Team is quite complicated and 40K might actually be better. Any other alternatives?
Afraid I don't know about either. I just did the simple thing of spending several hours reading all the rules to understand 40K . How about Combat Patrol rules? 40K lite basically.
Good shout - I actually have the last edition in the cupboard and the sevens rules printed out and awaiting a modified pitch. Then we're getting a league up and running (once I've done the Pete J absorption reading). But was thinking more freestyle guns on the table... ... which this might actually fit - good shout there too, sir. Are these downloadable, do you know, or is it another expensive tome? On that note, I was thinking earlier (happens sometimes) - given the prices of the old lead models, how the frak are they justifying the prices of these plastic ones these days? Admittedly the detail is far superior, but still...
The combat patrol rules are all freely downloadable, as are the core rules - scroll down to the relevant section here: Most of the combat patrol boxsets are fine, but I'd probably avoid these ones, either due to an insanely poor value for money or doesn't really have a good spread of units: The new Dark Angels one (old is fine) Deathwatch Tyranids (better off getting a starter set) The new Space Marines (see above) Regarding the cost, whilst very overpriced, it's not as bad as you may think! The model designs now are all obviously done in a CAD package and take a long time to tweak as they have to be optimised and sectioned for injection moulding - for a large, multipart set, this is no mean feat! The moulds themselves also take a few weeks to machine - it's all done with tiny diameter bits and many, MANY profile cuts. TLDR, there's a shedload of engineering that goes into our beloved little plastic warriors.
I'm hoping the 'cheerleader' effect disguises the six billion things I can already see I missed/forgot, because I'm taking another eleven marines off the backlog. The middle squad on the second layer up, with the ridiculous flamer effect. On to Grimaldus! For the second time.
Soooooo.... Horus is preordered. At least I get a free t-shirt. That I will never, ever wear in public.
Don't want people to know you're a gigantic heretic? The new Grimaldus trinket carriers are much more involved than the last ones..
Grimaldus is definitely one of my favourite minis. Bless his heretic punishing heart. It's my dream to have underlings that carry around a statue for me.
I like the lore around Grimaldus, but I find the miniature itself to be a bit.. Static, as weird as that sounds. It feels like he's on parade, showing off his trinkets
I don't know much about AoS, but that just made the Stormcast seem even more like old-timey Space Marines to me
I am so sick of these models. I've started them at least three different times in my life as a BT player/painter, finished them once, and this is by far the worst time to date. I cannot wait for them to not be on my 'to do' list. Edit: Blargl, I decided I was done but I can already see I didn't highlight a skull on Grimaldus himself. However, he's in the cabinet and the next unit are out on the desk.. I'm going to weathering powder a shelf at a time when they're all done, so there's some modicum of consistency to each layer, so for now they just get to look like they're standing on their bases, rather than being part of them Edit 2: Another five down; Six, if you count the goofy little teleport homer. Which might be the first one of those I've ever painted, despite having had a minimum of a hundred Terminators.. On to the next squad!