A LOT of packaging and a VERY large box for what was eventually left out in the rain for two days on my doorstep...but now I don't want to unwrap it because it has a bl00dy sticker on it! Ah, man. I'm useless. But at least it's here.
Unwrap book Carefully cut sticker from shrinkwrap Put (now non-sticky) sticker into the book as a bookmark for the rest of time
Oooh! It's either that or cut a slidey hole in the wrap that will get progressively worse over time as I keep pushing the book in and out of it that I then end up swearing at on a weekly basis.
It was good! The activity has dropped off so I need to get back on that horse from tomorrow, but the book at least was worth the time. I'm on to Magnus the Red next. Don't suppose anyone has a sevens board they want to sell me for cheap, have they? Failing that, I'm after an idea whereby I can constructively cover the edges of my full-size board to make it sevens-compliant. Maybe some form of 3D printing (which I'd have to outsource) or polystyrene carving, which I have quite some supply of, having taken delivery of a dishwasher and associated packaging. Separately but related, is anyone playing tabletop X-Wing or Armada and do we have a page for such?
The NAF have a printable one https://www.thenaf.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Sciscos-pitch-1.jpg 782x578mm.
Good work, sir! Wasn't aware of this but I think it might fit the bill for the test sessions - thank you . Have started getting back into the digital version as well this week, seem to be having a GW revival round here. And have now got Soul Hunter, Nightbringer and Magnus to listen to on my walks. Plus an old skool lead Grey Knight to look at whilst I think about painting him.
Got my order for the BB Gnomes in, will probably pick up the star player and new treeman later. Really looking forward to getting these guys, should be a lot of fun to paint up.
The temperatures have started rising, I think my painting time might be getting limited for the summer.. But! Most of the Templars are done, bar the sixteen Neophytes and LR, and also my Inq28 Retinue (Totally not to prove I paint something other than Marines) is also mostly done. I still need to decide on a hair colour for the yellow one, so for now she's white haired:
Nice little group there. I need to pick up some more of the Necromunda bits and pieces to go with my Inquisition group. The death cult assassins are definitely on the list too. In other news, finally got my hands on UR-025 from the Balckstone Fortress set. Been after one for a while but most of them have been at considerably higher prices than anything else from that box. Grabbed this one as soon as I saw it for a sensible price (and it wasn't a recast this time... ). After a day or so of painting, I think I am going to call it done: Went far too heavy on the drybrushing, especially when using white, but in this case it is what I was after and built up a nice sand cast sort of look to the armour.
I wish I'd paid someone to paint these, holy ****. I hate that 10th basically makes it pointless not to take every single model, if only because I then have to paint every damnable model.. Four down, nearly five, just got to paint in some of the strike marks I drilled into the model. The other eleven need the layering on the weapons, and the skin, then I think they're done too and I can say I only have one model left in my Templars
Went to Salute in London today. First time I've ever been to a wargaming exhibition. Pretty cool to see the models entered into the painting competition. I saw Duncan Rhodes there - I didn't say hello as the conversation probably would've gone something like this: "Hi! I've watched some of your videos on painting!" "That's great!" Awkward pause... "Well, see you!" My friend got to chat with Andy Wardle, so he was happy with that.
I am one model away from being completely done with the Templars One! I'm actually nearly caught up with my backlog, it's only taken a month of slavishly painting at every opportunity.
Looking great, I should go through all my older marines and see what I can put together, I have a LOAD of Blood Angels and also a load of 25 year old plastics that were kind of turned into Templars. As for other more current stuff: I think I am going to call this fella done for now, there are plenty of bits that I can do more on, and I will probably come back to it at some point.
Got a new patch for my bag/fleece. Been after one of these little fellas for a while as I did my usual and took too long to order one whilst they were still about.
I can scarcely believe I'm here, all my Templars are painted to around a table-top standard. It only took like.. Six years of procrastination and six or seven weeks of painting a few hours every day. Not that that means the backlog is empty. Far from it...
Remember that ReapSoul Cossie needs autocannon and spikes mounted before it can be considered a valid mod... Also
Ugh. The female Custodes thing. It's all over my damn YouTubes. This is my takeaway from it all: 1) GeeDubs writes a short story with a female Custodes. 2) Some nerds point out a single sentence in the 1987 Rogue Trader rulebook that has the word "men" in, seeming to be totally oblivious to the fact that in olden times (and today, because I'm old fashioned), "man" could be used interchangeably with "woman". 3) Apparently GeeDubs replies that anyone who doesn't like it is a bigot or something and claims there have always been female Custodes, rather than a more straightforward "Yeah, we retconned it. So what?" 4) A small amount of hardcore nerds see it as a sign of the Vagocalypse and cancel their Warhammer TV subscriptions, probably dealing a whopping 0.00001% blow to profits. 5) Normal people don't give a **** as they realise they're roleplaying about a theoretical future with little plastic soldiers. Tell me if I missed anything.
that pretty much covers it, though the book quotes ive seen are saying the Custards are the ''sons'' of Terra there has also been a metric arseton of Clickbait ''DA EMPORER IS GENDER FLUID ??? Female space marines ???? Sanguineous to return as a trans lesbian ??? type videos plenty of Blaming everyone from upper GW, to Amazon to GW Shareholders of being woke, or claiming each group of forcing GW to pander because each other group see's women as a massive untapped market ( or Amazon needing generic strong female lead for upcoming shows ) there was 100% an unmarked police car at WHW when i popped in on Friday for a game ( word of advice, if you are using unmarked cruisers DONT have an officer in full high vis gear in the drivers seat )
I had to re-read and re-pronounce this about four times before I could get my head around it. Do my girls need to be worried or just get involved? That's tasteless, dude. This shiit is for real.
I mean he canonically likes getting it on with dudes [given it's stated that Big E was Alexander the Great who... y'know...] Tweet— Twitter API (@user) date