Appols for not updating sooner running a 7 printer home print farm has turned into a full time second job And of course ya gotta mod them too ! I did find time over the weekend to finally finish off the other side panel. And with that the theme of the 2nd front panel is finished These are not the final pics for now. I'm still deciding on final trim colours and ideas for the original front. Adding in the new Aorus Master card has made a huge difference to the over all internal look. Not being dwarfed by the huge CPU cooler. With the new side panels on nothing much changes from the front view. Once you peek down the side Then there's...... Dat A$$ !... it's a lot to take in.... So many lines and shapes. It's almost a shame to hide it ! With that out of the way it's time to get back to plan "A" again
2 months? Yep, you've been sanding. It looks fast with the sides on. My first impression was "VROOOOM."
I definitely love this case design ... 'would even order you a copy (if I could afford such an amount of your working hours )... great modding session as susual you never fail to impress me
A rear wing next? Cheers kim tyvm as always mate it has been a pleasure you rock dude Same here mate, i wish i never went back to the grill front... I can see now what everyone else saw in the beginning and can you believe i'm working on some new 3D printed grills (just for fun)... So another on the way. But for now i'm done Cheers spigs great to have you onboard
The beginning of then end and what journey ! Ive never spent so long on one project. Ive never had a project so close to my heart and one that is really all the ideas and mods that did and didnt make it into past case mods over the last 20 yrs. A case that has for the past 8 months sat by my side as a daily driver and been upgraded to the case i will prolly keep for yrs to come. The speakers and ampdac combo are just the icing on the cake they are a dream ive also had for the past 20yrs.. I wanna thank MWave for their support and patience with this build. The Guys there are a great bunch and really to put a lot into helping the ozzy hardware and modding scene. I gotta thank the wife she rocks .... after 20+ years of doing this..... well she's still with me and that says it all But mostly i wanna thank all you guys here @ BT you guys rock and honestly without your support i just wouldnt find this fun to do.... so again THANK YOU Please indulge me one last picture flood and i will leave this one alone for now. This is still prolly my fav look, but with out the back as well. It was the original vision an open air free flowing case. There's the full side clear....I'm thinking at some point a 3/4 clear side panel as well Then the tinted side i think this kinda goes better with the other front. Then the Vent sides, These were a dream i had many years ago (HP-6) it was fun to finally make them real. And of course... The dream team Ive tried to keep everthing as interchange-able and modular as poss. Even the speakers Bloody reflections... but dat speaker !
Well worth the efforts , it's well finished and looks really good. Good cohesive design, the speakers fit perfectly, the project came out great .
"After years of finding sweaty beer cans placed on my rig and speakers, I have found a solution." All versions and components came out awesome.
An epic craftsmanship work, absolutely awesome, i finally think that the front face with Aorus logo it's the winner (for me), because match better the whole case aesthetics.