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Multi Last Game You Completed?!

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by MrDomRocks, 24 Sep 2012.

  1. AlienwareAndy

    AlienwareAndy What's a Dremel?

    7 Dec 2009
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    I actually thought that was one of the better FPS games released in the last few years in single player.

    Given that I don't play multiplayer games ever it at least lasted for a reasonable chunk of time to warrant what I paid for it.
  2. dipzy

    dipzy Minimodder

    5 Jan 2013
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    Finished The Last of Us yesterday, awesome game :D
  3. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest

    This is how I feel about it. I can still play the first over and over, it's endless fun.

    I didn't even bother finishing 3.

    Oh yea it's beautiful and, hey, ya'all need to go buy a new graphics card, so, woohoo! but seriously , don't bother.

    ON TOPIC: Last game I finished was LA Noir recently. Definitely enjoyable.

    I'm stuck with what to play next. I did play Hotline Miami but got really bummed out when it constantly started crashing :/
  4. Dave Lister

    Dave Lister Minimodder

    1 Sep 2009
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    I'll second that.
    I've also found crysis 3 to be a lot more dull than crysis 2. I've replayed crysis 2 about 6 times and crysis 3 I got bored about half way into the second sitting. As for crysis 1, I played it about twice, but last time I booted it my 5870 was struggling whereas my old gtx 280 would run it fine !

    Sent from my cm_tenderloin using Tapatalk 2
  5. notmeagain

    notmeagain Minimodder

    29 Jan 2009
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    Finally completed Discworld, custard pies Cheesecake!
  6. boiled_elephant

    boiled_elephant Merom Celeron 4 lyfe

    14 Jul 2004
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    Weird. It may've seen the newer card and defaulted the graphics settings a bit too high, what presets was it on for each card?

    edit - I did love BF:BC2 for its multiplayer, but I thought the single-player was very corridored and generic. It just felt so much like the winning entry in a Call of Duty lookalike contest. Every mechanic, fight, environment and weapon was over-familiar to the point that it zoned me out.

    Genre saturation, I guess. I'm sick of war games, and kinda sick of clone FPS games generally. Crysis 3, for all its visual flair and cool design elements, was a cookie-cutter FPS made to a well-rehearsed formula calculated by marketing departments. There wasn't a shred of innovation or inspiration in it (that wasn't lifted from the previous games in the series and dumbed down).
  7. miller

    miller What's a Dremel?

    10 Jun 2013
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    Well I've kind of finished Oblivion, Knights of the 9, Shivering Isles and a few add-on quests, I'm usually a few years behind the latest games :rolleyes: played it for around 460 hours and now I rarely find even the smallest quest but I still like roaming around it, can't seem to stop :D :wallbash:

    Also can't stop playing Crysis especially since I found some texture and lighting mods and fan made levels, it looks gorgeous and even with just a MSI N560GTX-Ti Twin Frozr II it can run most settings at highest level with good fps, new games, bah, who needs em :lol:
  8. AlienwareAndy

    AlienwareAndy What's a Dremel?

    7 Dec 2009
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    Metro : Last Light. A good game, though at times rather annoying. Glad I finished it though... Crap, is that the time? :S
  9. LordPyrinc

    LordPyrinc Legomaniac

    7 Mar 2008
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    Defender's Quest Valley of the Forgotten. Great game, really funny dialog in the cut-scenes. If the first run through feels too quick, no worries, the Play+ is quite a bit harder and adds in some new side maps.
  10. Scroome

    Scroome Modder

    26 Apr 2011
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    Finally got around to finishing Crysis 2. Not as bad as I believed it would be.
  11. AlienwareAndy

    AlienwareAndy What's a Dremel?

    7 Dec 2009
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    It wasn't perfect by any means but it did have some strong points. Namely - destructible scenery and buildings* longevity* and gorgeous graphics*

    * I'd never played a war game up until COD MW2 and wish I hadn't

    * At least it lasted longer than the 4 hours I got out of COD MW in SP (and I'm *crap* at FPS) and I paid £39.99 for that /groucho face.

    * I know I know, I shouldn't be fickle but holy moly it had my jaw on the deck so many times !

    I guess if you are a veteran of war games then it could be less interesting but to a laymen like me I thought it was excellent. Absolutely loved the snow level :)

    It just irks me that single player experiences have been completely ditched and forgotten about for online play. Now I know I probably stand very much alone on this (due to being autistic and thus, not very sociable !) but I do like my single player games. Best game I have ever played was Fallout 3 simply as I really appreciated all the work that had gone in for loners like me :)

    I was actually surprised at how long Metro LL went on for in the end. I kept expecting it to finish all the time during the last four hours but no, kept going ! and just got better and better :)
  12. GravitySmacked

    GravitySmacked Mostly Harmless

    2 Mar 2009
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    No you're not alone. I love a good single player campaign and, whilst they are being neglected, there are still some good ones out there, especially if you don't mind owning a console or two to supplement PC.
  13. AlienwareAndy

    AlienwareAndy What's a Dremel?

    7 Dec 2009
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    Yeah it has gotten a bit better over the past 18 months. For a while there it was all MP games that totally neglected the SP experience but we've had a few corkers of late :)

    I really, really want to like Dishonored. Will crack on with that later :)
  14. miller

    miller What's a Dremel?

    10 Jun 2013
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    Agree with that, I have a mild level of Aspergers not too anti social but certainly don't mind my own company but I am very obsessive, seeing/listening to a friend playing online multiplayer was enough for me to know I would quickly fall out with everyone when they started shouting their mouths off at me :D
    Games like Oblivion are a haven for obsessive lone gamers like me as I have to explore every single inch of the game and I'm sure Skyrim will be as rewarding when I eventually dedicate a year or two to playing it, not played Fallout 3 but I will try it if it's a game I can get lost in and obsess over for a while ;)
  15. AlienwareAndy

    AlienwareAndy What's a Dremel?

    7 Dec 2009
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    Fallout 3 is an Aspie's Disney World mate. Honestly, it's pure unadulterated escapism :) It's all brown and dirty and blown up but yet, so beautiful.

    And yeah, I've walked every last square inch of it. I spent about a week just walking up the map, stepping across a bit then back down.. You have to really it's so huge and easy to miss things otherwise ! At last check I'd put over a thousand hours into it which isn't bad given that your first playthrough with all the DLC should take about 70 hours. Now THAT'S a single player game :D 70 whole hours :D

    I got so carried away I ended up buying tons of collectibles too haha. About the only thing I don't have is the Pipboy clock, but then I wasn't going to spend the $1000 asking that they demand.
  16. miller

    miller What's a Dremel?

    10 Jun 2013
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    1,000 hours, post apocalyptic, I like the sound of that :cooldude:
    I got carried away collecting Tomb Raider stuff until the things I really wanted got too expensive then I sold it all apart from the games of course;)
  17. AlienwareAndy

    AlienwareAndy What's a Dremel?

    7 Dec 2009
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    Yup adored TR. A bloody great game that ! I too started going back to find the tombs I deliberately skipped to save for later :D
  18. siliconfanatic

    siliconfanatic Johny-come-Lately

    10 Sep 2012
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    AC:II. Once I started I Couldn't stop. Finished it in one playthrough. Now I've got the mother of all migraines.
  19. erratum1

    erratum1 What's a Dremel?

    30 Apr 2009
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    Tomb raider.

    Finally got around to completing it great game just wish I could have maxed it, my poor p.o.s. computer just couldn't cope.

    Even on high settings it was struggling, one day maxed @ 2560 will be mine...yes it will.
  20. chrismarkham1982

    chrismarkham1982 Multimodder

    1 Apr 2010
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    Halo 4.......last year, mind I spend more time on Fifa and Football Manager 2012 these days

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