Some random you have never heard of before has declared that one of the big players is going to pull out of the console market. With Nintendo already showing the Wii U that leaves Sony or Microsoft. Trolling? Full story can be found here.
No great loss IMO, the less consoles the better. Finally the PC will get some proper games to flex its muscles on.
Hmmmm, doubtful, but you never know. If there were ANY chance of this happening, it would likely be Sony. Out of the two, they have probably suffered the most financially with their latest console.
I am constantly surprised at these type of opinions from a tech forum. How can less consoles be better for anyone? Variety is the spice of life. It creates competition, which improves product and pushes technology forward. There are a massive number of gamers that have no interest in PC's. What is wrong with having a choice?
Hah, it's just trolling. Both MS and Sony have sold 55m+ units of their current console generation. That's a lot. Why would they withdraw?
+1 to this! Loads of great exclusives for both consoles, not to mention, bringing investment into the games industry and a million other benefits. I'd say the above 'rumour' is absolutely tosh though. Not a chance in hell. The Playstation brand is too strong, and Sony will be required to rely on it even more as their share of the TV market continues to decline. Microsoft on the other hand, have done fantastically well out of the 360 and we already know they have something in the works as they have been hiring hardware designers for some time now. A non story, and if it is a story, the title should be 'guy from unknown cloud gaming service spouts conjecture'
What would be interesting would be too see how much money they have made from these 55m units and how much was spent on marketing and RnD. I'm curious to know if these things are the cash cow/money pit they are made out to be. Not that it matters to Sony they got Blu ray through of the back of the PS3 they could quit now.
Fewer consoles could be better, because since the rise of consoles and off cross-platform games, games are being dumbed down and simplified. For some of us, that translates to the quality and maturity of games just steadily going downhill. I understand that less money in the industry means graphics proceed more slowly, but I'd be happy to accept graphics which advance at only 50% of the rate that they do, in exchange for great games which are aimed at adults, and have some proper depth to them. So, in short, choice is good, it's just what's happened mostly as a result of consoles and cross-platform development is that instead of an increase in choice, the hollywood movie loving majority are catered to, and those who love media which is aimed at people who read books and other boring adult activities like that are no longer catered to.
I agree too. Innovations such as Wii remotes, Kinect and Move are revolutionising the way games are played and are introducing ever larger audiences to a great pasttime. It's a shame the hardware in the boxes are a generation or two behind when launched and that the life-cycle of them is fairly protracted.
Having played onlive for a while, I can see why they would consider it, Trouble is they have not researched streaming codecs like onlive has, so It could be a while before they consider something like this. Also onlives controller is actually pretty sweet :3
Agreed, have you seen that they are intergrating Online into all Google Tvs! That could have massive implications if Google TV becomes popular.
No one is leaving. FOr someone to leave, they need at least 2 large failures (like didn't sale enough to make money: example: Dreamcast). All 3 consoles sold very well. The reason why PS4 won't be at E3, is because you already have the Wii U, AND you have possibly Microsoft talking about the next XBox (probably will be released the year after).
I'll expand a little on my comments. The reason why I feel that it would be better if there were fewer consoles on the market is because look at where PC gaming is now. We mostly get console ports, some good, some bad and some that are absolutely appalling (GTAIV I'm looking at you). MS & Sony aren't going to release a new console every year, not even every 3 years. So the graphics development slows down to the point of standing still. If it wasn't for the likes of Crytek and Dice pushing PC hardware then we'd still be playing console games that have had a few tweaks to cater for the PC crowd but ultimately are dumbed down for the general masses. I'm not against consoles, I've owned a few in my past and enjoyed playing them, but I've also played PC games since my dad bought our 1st PC which was a 286.
I don't think consoles are a cash cow, well apart from Nintendo's efforts. Sony were losing money for a long time, and Microsoft never made massive profits (and that is without R&D being factored in). They make money off accessories (£40 for a controller, £100 for Kinect etc), royalty deals from game developers and so forth. BD was also a massive win for Sony.
Who knows, Microsoft has departed the gaming hardware market once before with it's more than successfull sidewinder range...only to reenter it a few years later. Sony used the PS3 to push BluRay, and payed the price for it. In the end though, they succeeded, HD-DVD is dead. All three players are earning on games and peripherals. Why leave?
Yeah, but the Sidewinder part of their business wasn't worth a few billion... I could forsee that a turkey of a Wii U might worry Nintendo though, their shares have been taking an absolute hammering recently with lacklustre game releases and 3DS sales (prior to massive price cut).
It's all very well developers pushing PC hardware, but to appreciate their efforts you are also going to need a rig capable of delivering their efforts. This is just not in the remit for some gamers. Consoles are about playing games, not worrying about minimum specs and latest drivers. Those little black boxes sitting under the TV deliver a no fuss, cost effective gaming solution to anyone. I expect them to stay for many years to come.
Not gonna happen. If one pulled out, the other would release their next console and the one that stayed behind would be forgotten. They would lose billions of dollars, put dozens of studios out of business and piss off all of their business partners by failing to deliver a competitive product. The videogame industry is earning billions of dollars hand over fist and Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft are the only shows in town when it comes to home consoles. It is completely ridiculous to think that either Sony or Microsoft would just give up. Especially since they are both pulling down record profits and have sold tens of millions of units. No, Sony and Microsoft are simply waiting for the other to flinch.
I can't see this happening to be honest. There's plenty of money to be made in the videogame industry, not to mention each company has sold millions of units thus far.