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Religion - What are you?

Discussion in 'General' started by JADS, 13 Jul 2002.

  1. actionplant

    actionplant What's a Dremel?

    26 Mar 2002
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    I'm a self-ist. I live for me, mostly. Even when I do things for other people, I usually do it because it makes me feel better about myself.

    Used to be a krisjun, but I can't stand the association anymore. You get the same effect of krisjun churches by joining a lodge. Its so freakin' commercial nowdays anyway...marketing geezus has become a big money maker and nothing about it seems real anymore.

    Whatever is between me and god is personal, which is how it was always meant to be, I think. I think he and I have a good understanding. Beyond that I'm not too worried, just ticked at the rest of the religious world.
  2. K

    K 528491

    31 Oct 2001
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    EDIT - Nevermind.

  3. RTT

    RTT #parp

    12 Mar 2001
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    no religion...

    dont believe in god, i forget the proper term, atheist or something :p
  4. K

    K 528491

    31 Oct 2001
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    Couldn't be bothered to check a few pages back? YOU should have Lazy as yer nick :p

    Yes sir, you is an Atheist then.
  5. Digitalblueshift

    Digitalblueshift What's a Dremel?

    12 Feb 2002
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    Their are some scientists that believe religion is hardwired into the brain. I read in readers digest once of a scientist studying buddists, and christians, as well as others, engaged in prayer and meditation. During deep meditation or prayer a segment of the brain that defines to us what is external and what is internal begins to shut down. This may be the source of the spiritual awakening that many people expierence when engaged in group prayer, or the interconnectedness expierenced by buddist monks.

    I was brought up in a fairly liberal houshold, church was never forced upon me, but as I approached my present age, i began to feel separated from the world. Christian doctrine did not appeal to me, however after a little homework i began to attend wiccan ceremonies in my hometown. several of my friends/aqaintences were already attending and after talking to them and researching on the internet I decided that Wicca is the religion for me. For me it allows the physical descriptors of modern life, whilst leaving a opening to welcome those mysteries that make life that much more grand. Where some religions say that these mysteries cannot be controlled, I believe they can. (magick, Natural, and real magic, not the type that has rabbits hopping out of top hats)

    I believe that religion is not about what you believe, but about do you believe in something? At the basest level everybody does, I used to say I believed in an ultimate power, but not in god, to some that would seem like saying I believe in nike, but not in shoes, but that is how I felt. The power of religion is in faith. Faith that there is a divine plan that we can't know about or understand, that way we can deal with losses. (one of my new friends recently lost her husband in a motorcycle accident, very recently) Or know that whatever happenes there is something waiting for us, something to come home to. Or something there to share in our grieving, or to listen to us, even if we are alone.

    Faith that if we keep on living that we will be allowed to see the greatest things that life has to offer, sunrises, ocean breezes, teh earthy smell and buzz of a forest, the little miracles that occur every day, right under our noses, the things that gave rise to tales about gods of the sky and of the earth, the very things that spawned religion in the first place and filled a hole in the lives of the people of the earth.

    Wow too many words time for a joke:

    Three guys walk into a bar...

    After the first two I thought the third one would duck.
  6. jamnog

    jamnog Guest

    notice of a change in religion

    it is hearby pronounced i am switching to the hockey religion. much like the jedi religion but respecting everyones beliefs as being important (providing no one gets hurt). and that even if metaphorical or just as a thoretical value in the knowledge of man kind god thus must or must not exists by the inversion of i know only what faith and or belife have disprooved or prooved or nither over a given time t times laminate flooring
    how do they get it so shiney?

    confushus (butterfly)
    socrates (ignorant) <--hung drawn and q'ed?
    de carte (your all a figmant of my immagination go away and stop percecuting that poor leonardo)
    darwin (ive decided im wrong and im going to become a preist)
    noah (when your in someone elses house respect there rules and dont knock on peoples doors)
    jesus (blessed are the cheese makers)
    all the other profets (no fighting, spitting, swearing, eating eagles pigs e.t.c no faulse gods and such)
    god (dont eat the funny green thing or im sending you to work everyday till you die)].
    Last edited by a moderator: 17 Jul 2002
  7. Hex

    Hex Paul?! Super Moderator

    11 Jan 2002
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    Wow, only 2 Wiccans come forward so far... interesting for a group of people into computers. I 've never been Wiccan, only Pagan, although I am also a practising Witch.

    Anyhoo, I'm so more into Discordianism than anything else. Just mention to 'Eris' to anyone preaching at you & they soon give in ;) Blessed be the Daughter of Chaos. :dude:
  8. Armand Karlsen

    Armand Karlsen What's a Dremel?

    13 Jun 2002
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    I'm not a religious person, so agnostic or atheist. And I'm too much of a lazy ******* to actually look through that Discordianism site.
  9. scopEDog

    scopEDog Minimodder

    5 Mar 2002
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    Wow i must say this has been a very interesting 5 page read. I would like to express my feelings on religion, so bare with me :D

    The way i see it, religion is a story passed on from one generation to the next. Without basis and facts its told and believed by many people. One reason that I'm don't practice any religion is because of this. Lets say one day I post a message on BT forums saying "I SAW BIGFOOT, AND HE SPOKE TO ME! HE MUST BE GOD!" And if enough people believe me then that tale gets passed on to their kids, then spreads to other people etc.. Now if enough time passes and enough people are told, could i now call this a religion? Why couldn't i call it the bigfoot religion? Why should anyone listen to me? The same can be said for any religion that exists today...its just a fantastic story that has been passed down the years. And its accepted because of this. Even though its not proven, we believe it because many people say its true. But we don't know its true, we just take the word of people that lived before us.

    I truely think that science can explain everything...everything. Alot of science has to do with fact (and lots of therories).Even though we have an extremely basic understanding of our world around us, in time we will learn that science is the basis for everything, even life. Who knows what we will learn in the next 10, 100, 1000, 10000 years...

    I understand why you were a bit defensive at first Digitalblueshift. I come from a hispanic backgroud, and when i go and visit relatives I see alot of wiccan practices. You mostly hear people talking about the bad things witches do. Unfortunately its what alot of folks believe, people are just afraid of what they don't know.

    Lastly I want to apologize to anyone I offend in writing this.

    P.S. I hope i didn't sound like an idiot :sigh:
  10. xen0morph

    xen0morph Bargain wine connoisseur

    30 Jun 2002
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    scopEDog, I agree entirely with your views.

    Although I do not nessecarily believe in any kind of religion myself, I believe it is the choice of others to choose their own beliefs. I don't think anyone with a particular belief should be singled out because of it.

    Opposition to some religions is in fact born out of other religions, people's personal beliefs or common belief passed down through the generations.

    I would call myself an Atheist myself. Although I am not OPPOSED to the Christian religion, I believe it does not make any "sense". However I could say that about all religions.

    I myself am a member of the "Goth" community. To be Gothic does not nessecarily mean to be satanic; it means we have our own way of doing things, our own culture, and our own traditions. A lot of the people I know are atheists.

    Well I suppose that's all i've got to say :D
  11. batsman

    batsman the quiet one

    14 Nov 2001
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    i would say CoE for myself

    or jedi

    did you here about the dyslexic, atheist, insomniac?
    they were up all night wondering if there was a dog. :lol:
  12. RTT

    RTT #parp

    12 Mar 2001
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    Well said scopEDog :)
  13. rK@NE

    rK@NE Rover's gonna get it...

    20 Dec 2001
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    Tehee I'm gonna jot that one down for tommorrow at work :)
  14. Repress

    Repress What's a Dremel?

    18 Jul 2002
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    Diest all the way. If thats how you spell it.

    I believe in a God but do not believe that it takes an active role in the world.

    - Repress
  15. Yoda

    Yoda What's a Dremel?

    26 Jun 2002
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    Strange I have not heard of a diest in a long time...

    I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints.

    If you don't know who we are think Mormons. ( a slang term for our relegion.)

    This makes me a strong Christian.:cooldude:
  16. jamnog

    jamnog Guest

    i am actually dyslexic btw im really sorry yoda but i read morons its just something i thaught i should mention words like god arent verry often confused. the confusion doesnt take long its like a momentary thing that happens if i rush when im reading and often if i type something out i forget full stops also there is a memory thing that happens and also lighting is somehoe important thats why they offered me glasses with a tint.

    some more jokes:
    did you hear about the dyslexic pimp?
    he spent all his money on a whare house

    did you hear about the dyslexic anti christ?
    he sold his sole to santa

  17. Mat-d-Rat

    Mat-d-Rat Drive it to the edge baby

    30 Aug 2001
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    I myself am a fully formed and beliving Christian (I can't be bothered to read the other 5 pages, each to there own), however I thought this joke was quite on que.

    "A man was in a pub have his usual drinks before closing, then set off home. Walking around the woods was his normal path but he felt brave today so thought he'd cut through the woods instead (and he needed a wazz!).

    About halfway through the woods a huge brown bear jumped at him and pushed him over. The bear then came up to him, put his paw up to swipe his last breath, and the man cried out 'Oh God help me'. At this point everything froze and a light started shining out of the sky. Then he heard a voice say 'Well that's odd, your whole life you have said that I don't exist, but now as you are about to die you want my help!'. The man said 'Well that's true, well I can't become Christian, so what about making the bear a Christian?'. 'Okay' said God...

    At that point the light vanished and the bear suddenly stopped!

    The man smiled, but then the bear got on his knees and said 'Dear Lord, for what I am about to receive I am truely thankfull' !!!"

    - From my local Father :)
  18. reg36

    reg36 What's a Dremel?

    10 Jan 2002
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    Personally I feel religions as we know them were set up as a form of power and control. Take yourself back in time when the difference between those with money and then those without was a real gap, there was no such thing really as middle class. How as a land-owning person with wealth could you keep people from revolting and rioting on you for the poor have always outnumbered the wealthy. Well if most believed that after they died some entity would level the playing field and make up to them all the grief and hard work they had to suffer and those that lived in wealth and power would be punished ie (Christian quote): "the meak shall inherit the earth". Well that would give the average joe who slaved farming and laboring away all his life with not even owning his own land, house, or any luxuries hope that his time would come and the end result would be that he would reseive a never ending reward for all of it. Now that is a powerful tool to keep the status que going and keep anyone from questioning why you have so much and they had nothing.

    As a second thought, religions also exist to give rhyme and reason to 2 things that we will never be able to answer, 1)What exists before birth? 2)What exists after death? As I undersatnd it (and I don't even try to belive I even know that much in life) the human brain in it's associative processing of all things does not like voids. We need to label and relate all things in our life and the answers to those 2 questions kinda glitch the brain and that would be why we strugle with religions. We cannot classify, label, sort, nor understand it and we will always have that problem.

    Thirdly, wouldn't you say that religions, belief, and faith are three seperate but related items. There are different religions and in them different sects that conflict in their beliefs, and each sect has different people whose faiths are slightly different. I always felt that organized religions were the easy way out for not thinking and following your own heart.

    Oh and to answer the question I consider myself agnostic but really is that a religion or a beleif?

    Just my 2 cents
  19. Armand Karlsen

    Armand Karlsen What's a Dremel?

    13 Jun 2002
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    That is so funny. :hehe: :hehe: :lol: :D
  20. Ninja_182

    Ninja_182 Enginerd!

    2 Apr 2002
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    I'm not really religious but if I knew the ways of the force I'd be a JEDI (If it's still an official religeon)

    (I'm not religous because I cant spell it lol)

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