Would you kindly feck off? Do you know whay your talking about? had a little too much beer? Go be a little bitch somewhere else.
Hey guys, I am not here to cause any problems.....I made a comment on Coolmiester's YouTube video and he got all pushed out of shape for no reason. All I said was that I thought the rig would look cleaner if the ram wasn't WC'ed...it would help reduce the tubing. Thats it...wasn't trying to criticize his build as agree it is AMAZING, was just giving my opinion. Then he replied back telling me to take a hike and feck off!.... he has since then deleted all the comments and replys...
even so you REALLY should not have brought that agro into to this thread, it should be sorted out between the two of you as both of you seem to be decent adults judging by whats been posted on these forums
•SR-2 Stacker re-hosed and refilled with Mayhems Tharsis Red Dye - •Cosmos Skulltrail fluids topped up and polished - •Both mods boxed and ready to go - •Car full of motion lotion - •Beer tokens got from chashpoint - •Tom Tom pointing to ExCel - •Alarm clock set to 2am - Yip, its an early start on Thursday morning to travel the 284 miles down to the Excel Exibition Centre at Canary Wharf but got to be done as i want to get there around 8 or 9am and get the cases on the Bit-Tech booth then take care of a couple of early meetings leaving me free to pester everyone else who will still be setting out their stalls Thanks to Mick at Mayhem Dyes who sent me some of his new Aurora - Tharsis Red Coolant, i decided to drain the full SR-2 system of its slightly faded coolant and replace with his and while i was at it, i re-hosed it completely as the hoses where quite stained so its all nice and shiny and ready to go so anyone planning on attending LITS, don't forget to call by the Bit-Tech stand and say hello. For those that can't make it, i'll hopefully get this thread updated with pictures of the entire event over the weekend providing i can get internet access so don't forget to check from time to time - watch this space Thanks again for the support guys
My good friend Jim from TCM Gaming just passed me over a few pictures from LITS as i didn't get a chance to take any.........cheers Jim
Was good to meet you down at the show Paul and the SR2 looks as good in the flesh as it does in the forums, see it sitting there makes you actually realize just how big that thing is. The 840 has always been on my list of cases to mod, so who knows one day I just might get round to doing one.
Seriously fella, i was absolutely blown away that you guys took the time out to call around and say hi..........just wish you had stayed a bit longer and come to the bar to have a good ol' chin wag but hopefully next time or if you get the chance call up to Insomnia i44 in Telford on the weekend of November 24th we could carry on \0/ PM incoming
What is it doing so close to the floor? This is so rawesome, it should up in eye-height spinning around on some kind of glass pedestal or something...
Yeah but look how it still stands out more than anything else there in the pics even with being on the floor!! Looks better everytime I look at it!!