I'm late, but: The Hobbit, an unexpected Journey 5/10 The missus summed it up best: Very lenghthy introductions, followed by two hours of Orcs. She's right... I also feel the "Doom 'n gloom" feeling from LotR coming up, a shame for such pretty a world.
Pacific Rim - H**l Yeah!/10 Well, let's be serious for a moment - it's not exactly a good movie, but damn it is excessively fun! It had me grinning like a six-year old the whole way through, and even the missus sported an ear-to-ear grin at the end of it. It's flash, it's loud and damnit it's a two-hour long nerdgasm! Apartment 1303 3D - 2/10 I expected this to be good, and to be in line with some of the great Japanese horror movies we've all come to love. It's not. Actually it's ****, don't bother with it.
Tender Mercies - A low key 1982 movie about an alcoholic country and western singer. Robert Duvall won a best actor Oscar for his role in this, which is the main reason I wanted to watch it. I thought it was alright, but it seemed to have been edited down too much (ie there seemed to be bits missed out), and it all felt a bit rushed. It was well acted, though, and I might well watch it again some time.
Pacific Rim - Big ****ing Robots/10 If you want subtlety, nuanced plot and intrigue... this is not the film for you... Agreed that you don't really see enough of the mechs though my one major gripe: Spoiler If the godzilla kaiju are cloned/grown/made... how and why is there a pregnant one...
Monsters University 7/10 is it me or has pixar lost its edge as of late? it feels like the execs at Disney are sticking their faces in and insisting everything be played safe and cuddly, there are a few moments where I raised a laugh but overall it just feels lacking somewhat. it certainly lacked the strength of the original (who could forget that ending)
IIRC Planes was not developed by Pixar but by DisneyToon Studios (“famous” for a lot of unnecessary, crappy sequels normally released direct-to-video). I agree that Pixar isn't what it used to be anymore though.
Rush 8/10 A seriously good film, well written, solid acting, interesting historical background, the right amount of racing balanced with other stories and personal life. A very good film, go and see it. Pacific RIM 3/10 Big robots vs monsters, it was never going to be a brilliant and intelligent script, and it would have been enjoyable except that the acting was physically painful to watch! I reckon if they'd skipped all the poor character back stories and heart-felt moments it would have gotten a 5! Jack Reacher 4/10 Standard action romp worth 5 possibly, but the main character (Tom Cruise) was in no way like Jack Reacher?! Alright he was never gunna look like him, but he didn't even act in a similar way, it was a plainy different character entirely.
Oblivion 8/10 Well after all the reviews of Oblivion on here i decided to give it a watch! I'd say its a solid 8, really nice looking film with a good cast. The storyline is pretty good considering it feels slightly like a blend of a few sci-fi films over the last decade, but i was thoroughly entertained! Please don't read the following if you intend to watch the film! Spoiler Borrows heavily from Moon with a dash of matrix, a hint of mad max, a side of Laurence fishbourne in Predators, a pinch of jawas from Star Wars, and a sprinkling of Portal 2 style drones and some ****ed up AI like Glados!
planes aint pixar made but john lasseter heads all things animation at disney atm. think for the next few years pixar should be ok. but after that it will be all down hill the talent there aint getting any younger. we could be wrong and they could just go on and on like studio ghibli personaly think if Jobs did take pixar in another direction they may have wiped the floor with disney but toy story and possibly the upcoming nemo sequel will have been terrible
Word War Z Not as bad as I thought it might be/10 - probably around 7/10 or so Fast moving Zombies will always make me go "Eh!?", but other than that, this movie actually ebbs and flows quite well, if maybe a bit too much. There seem to be so many little "sub-stories" (side quests) here that make up the movie, it's almost too much. Other than that, not having read the comic books, I found it quite enjoyable.
After Earth The movie is set in a future where humanity has moved to another planet, because they ruined earth. There they found a new ennemy 'The Ursas', somekind of 6 legged blind alien race who hunt you down by smelling your fear. The human race was basically fuc**** until a man without fear appeared (Will Smith) and kicked some ass. At this point I was expecting some major action scene with Will Smith, however, my expectations were crushed when I realized the main acting part would be done by his son... Who IMHO is a terrible actor and always look like a beaten dog. When you are the son of a man without fear, created by a producer such as M. Night, obviously you'll be an irrational coward. The son spend the movie running for his life until he eventually repress his fear and win. In all it's not a bad movie but as usual with M. Night its incomplete and rushed. Us Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
Pacific Rim 2/10 Watched this last night after a few friends had mentioned it. What could be a great movie completely ruined by the script, acting and a predictable plot. Yes great CGI but thats all. What a waste of what could have been a great film.
It was cheesy : / An americanized version of Neon Genesis Evangelion (Anime that I secerely hate lol). Great CGI indeed but poorly scripted and acted.
Shutter Island 8.5/10 I wasn't really hoping for much, but found it a decent watch and didn't really get boring at any point.