TIL that clock skew adds latency and that's why the memory and fabric clocks run at the same speed on Zen.
TIL not to google for images of 'Compartment Syndrome'. I don't even know how I ended up looking at pictures of that, but damn...
Not so much learned but realised today. Whenever there is news about breast screening they always show a woman, back to camera, arm held aloft while in the machine. However, whenever there is a story about prostate checks there is not a similar picture of a man bent over a table. Odd realisation today.
MakeMKV can ignore DVD regions. This will save me from mucking with changing the drive regions when ripping the few out of region disks I have.
My prime member always makes sweet music. It's late, that's the best I could do. That's what she said. Dammit. Taking the piss out myself now. Time for bed.
Pics or GT--... Actually I'm not gonna finish that sentence, the internet already has sufficient pictures of prime members...
TIL, finally, that there is plan in action the week before Trump arrives in the UK to make Green Day's 'American Idiot' number 1 for the day he turns up. Genius idea is genius.
^That only works if everyone blares it out from loud speakers everywhere he goes ( hint hint )... TIL that Germany has some really cool man-hole covers.
That the brain is an incredibly complex bit of kit. A while ago I read about associative senses. IE - when you look at a cat and quickly identify it as a cat it is because your brain has seen it and immediately tells you "cat !" and so on. And the same happens for smells, too. As you learn what they are your brain stores the data so as soon as you smell something you know what it is, so long as you've learned it. Any way, for the past day and a half I have been sitting at my PC thinking something was burning. IE - something computer-y. I would imagine by now we all know that smell. It is unique. And as soon as we smell it our senses heighten and we go into panic mode. Well, that has been me. Only even though I have worked my way around the entire PC, monitor, speakers and even mic with my nose I have been unable to track it down. And it's worrying, especially as you know that smell usually means doom and the rig is water cooled. All day yesterday I was paranoid about running the rig. I've been continually touching the back plate on the GPU and so on, but nothing is even remotely warm. And then I turned around to open the window and I got the strongest whiff of it yet. I immediately thought it must be the TV but it was switched off. Then I played back something my mother had said to me before she left yesterday evening... You know? that I wasn't really listening to. "I've bought you six bars of that coal tar soap you like, it's behind the TV in a bag. I didn't put it in with your food because it smells strongly and would ruin it". And as soon as that message played back through my brain I immediately realised what the smell actually was. Yup, Wright's coal tar soap. It's amazingly similar, at distance, to burning electronics. And because I have smelled burning electronics so many times my brain was saying "It's burning electronics, dummy". Amazing. So basically I was having a hallucination of smell.
haha yeah for sure man. As I said I read about associative senses and found out that most people who see ghosts don't actually see ghosts. They see something.. A shape? a form? but because they don't know what it is the brain says "Ghost !". And apparently our brains are naturally lazy and want the answer as fast as possible. This is why people who are losing their sight and stuff can have visual hallucinations because they can't see properly and it's their brain actually telling them what they are seeing, not their eyes. And I would assume the exact same thing happens to smell. Kinda like how I got to the USA and thought my wife's nextdoor neighbours were raging pot heads. I asked her one day and she laughed and told me they were like 70 years old etc. So I asked her why I could smell weed, she tells me that is not weed it's roadkill skunk lmfao.
TIL a new reason for me to get annoyed at popular American search engines: I.E. Which part of "metric" and "woodscrew" do Google and Microsoft Bing not understand, when I am looking for sizing charts?
TIL, (well approximately today) what a wall of 1080 120mm Delta fans can do... Safe to say it is windy and noisy ~2m from fans exhaust the noise was measured at ~100dB.