Current US riot situation

Discussion in 'Serious' started by KayinBlack, 31 May 2020.

  1. bawjaws

    bawjaws Multimodder

    5 Dec 2010
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    Yep. And let's remember that it's not just the cop with his knee on a man's neck, or just the cop who fires the shot, swings the baton or uses the taser, it's all of the cops who stand by and let it happen, don't intervene, don't report it. It's an institutional problem that goes way beyond a few bad apples.
    MLyons likes this.
  2. Vault-Tec

    Vault-Tec Green Plastic Watering Can

    30 Aug 2015
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    You go out with your mates to a night club. One of them gets drunk and punches someone. That person falls badly, and dies. You all get charged with the same crime or similar, because "you were there".

    Yet all of the officers there (aside from the two that actually killed the poor sod, looking at the private autopsy report) stood by and watched it happen. Even as the stream of urine came out just before he died. And they stood back and did nothing, just like the night you were out with your mates.

    It's BS tbh. All it would have taken was one of them to have the guts to say "Look man you're going too far" and shove him off.
  3. Bloody_Pete

    Bloody_Pete Technophile

    11 Aug 2008
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    The title of that is really right wing biased, Both are white racists.
  4. MLyons

    MLyons 70% Dev, 30% Doge. DevDoge. Software Dev @ Corsair Lover of bit-tech Administrator Super Moderator Moderator

    3 Mar 2017
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    A split second punch is different to 8 minutes and 46 seconds. I'm not aware of the punch situation happening although I've not googled it.
  5. Anfield

    Anfield Multimodder

    15 Jan 2010
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    If you hire 100 cops you may start with one bad apple among them, but if the other 99 cover for him then you have 100 bad cops.
    Pete J and bawjaws like this.
  6. damien c

    damien c Mad FPS Gamer

    31 Aug 2010
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    This is the problem, all of the cop's just like civilians are being labelled as "Bad" because of some of them.

    Not all cops are bad, just like not all civilians are bad but just blanketly labelling them as such is why innocent people are being attacked be them civilians or cops, granted at the moment is does look on social media like the cops are being more aggresive.

    I am done though because obviously you are one of those who wants to see every cop punished because of a few of them, because let's face it your post suggests that it's only cop's causing trouble, no civilians are causing trouble, only cops are racist not civilians and only cop's target people, it's not like people in America and other countries go out intending to kill cops and only cop's kill people, no civilian kills another civilian.

    It's not like people are editing videos and posting them online to make it look like the cops are worse than they are.

    For that clip what happened before it started, was he attacking the cop? was the cop attacking him? What led to the interaction? We don't know because the clip has been edited, and that is why I want Social Media to shut itself down because then you don't get idiots posting edited videos which cause further violence.
    The_Crapman likes this.
  7. Vault-Tec

    Vault-Tec Green Plastic Watering Can

    30 Aug 2015
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    There was a documentary about the one punch thing. TBH? I was just using it as an example of "being there" when something happens, and how seven people can go to prison for a murder (for example) when only one of them actually did it. If that rule stands for citizens then I don't see why the three others (one of whom was partially to blame for his death by leaning on his back and cutting off blood and oxygen) should get away with it. It also totally isn't third degree murder. As well as wetting himself, continually saying he could not breathe, saying "I'm dying" and calling for his mother got him nowhere.
  8. damien c

    damien c Mad FPS Gamer

    31 Aug 2010
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    1 Punch 1 Kill

    I was out that night and not far from it when it happened.
  9. Bloody_Pete

    Bloody_Pete Technophile

    11 Aug 2008
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    It doesn't matter who started that clip, you just saw 4 armed and armoured people beating a unarmed and unarmoured person, no one attempted an arrest, they just beat him.
  10. MLyons

    MLyons 70% Dev, 30% Doge. DevDoge. Software Dev @ Corsair Lover of bit-tech Administrator Super Moderator Moderator

    3 Mar 2017
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    The Problem is cops killing and mistreating innocent people. "lighting up" houses, killing people in self defence... by shooting them 22 times in the back, suffocating a man complying with requests. The difference is people can't be fired from being civilians, they can do what they want. Cops breaching the trust and power that they have from being a cop can have those powers stripped. **** it, there were a few Nazis that were good people as much of a hot take as that is. I'll still label Nazis as bad people.

    At the moment? This has been going on for decades.

    I'd be happy with protesters lighting up guilty police officers family homes with machine guns at this point seeing as the police seemingly have no problem with doing it to innocent people. If you say but what about the innocent family members? Well, Leave your scumbag police family member. You had white people with FULLY AUTOMATIC WEAPONS protesting in government buildings about a safety precaution and **** all was done. A black man is peacefully protesting about the chance he may be gunned down for buying some skittles? Enjoy being dead. **** Corrupt Police

    That video looks more like a beating than an arrest.
    Last edited: 2 Jun 2020
    edzieba and damien c like this.
  11. Vault-Tec

    Vault-Tec Green Plastic Watering Can

    30 Aug 2015
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    It has always been like this over there. It is so much worse than the UK. I lived there for 8 years, in quite a peaceful area, but it was just everywhere you looked. White days at the local market, black days (even though it wasn't specifically called that it was like that). I would say to my ex "let's go Cowtown market tomorrow" and she would say "No, that's the day all the blacks go".

    I found it really hard to speak to black people out there. I guessed they just assumed I was like every one else. I did form a friendship with a guy at work, but he wanted nothing to do with me until I turned up at work in my "Jamaica" hoodie. He asked me if I knew the meaning of the Rastafarian colours, I said yeah and then reeled them off to him. From that day on? yeah, we got on really well. I always wanted to go to a "black church" and see the choirs but I was just told it wasn't a good idea.

    And that was what? 15 years ago? in rural New Jersey which is usually quite a liberal place. So even though segregation no longer exists? it is still totally there. By choice more than with signs and labels etc.
  12. RedFlames

    RedFlames not a Belgian football team

    23 Apr 2009
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    The problem is they've been at it for literally decades and nothing has changed.

    Take this clip from Fresh Prince... in 1991... so nearly 30 years ago.

  13. boiled_elephant

    boiled_elephant Merom Celeron 4 lyfe

    14 Jul 2004
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    Yeah, no.

    I chalk this up to heat-of-the-moment, but you're going way too far. Refusing to distinguish between good and bad apples within a particular body of people is prejudice. That's literally what it means. You're pre-judging all police as bad by association, because they're police.

    Sort of like how some police officers pre-judge black people in poor neighbourhoods as criminals, because they're black and in poor neighbourhoods.
    Pete J and damien c like this.
  14. RedFlames

    RedFlames not a Belgian football team

    23 Apr 2009
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  15. MLyons

    MLyons 70% Dev, 30% Doge. DevDoge. Software Dev @ Corsair Lover of bit-tech Administrator Super Moderator Moderator

    3 Mar 2017
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    That's why I said "guilty police officers". Not all. The ones that are complicit and even enjoy what is going on. There are good cops. I'm singling out GUILTY cops
    bawjaws likes this.
  16. Vault-Tec

    Vault-Tec Green Plastic Watering Can

    30 Aug 2015
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    Prison is the best place for them. They'll be loved in there. Prisons there are very segregated too (not by force, but again because that's how it is out there). So he will either get slashed by a nice big black guy, or get bummed when he joins the white supremacists. Either way it will be far worse than a quick death.
  17. Vault-Tec

    Vault-Tec Green Plastic Watering Can

    30 Aug 2015
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    Watch the video I am referring to. Then watch this one.

    Note, he wasn't quite as understanding as the guy in Central Park. Oh, it seems that one has the swearing edited out, so no warnings needed.
  18. VipersGratitude

    VipersGratitude Multimodder

    4 Mar 2008
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    It's not the same. Guilty by association is different than guilty by attribute. It's the difference between saying "all IRA members are bad" and "all Catholics are bad".

    If everyone at bit-tech was the consummate professional but Rick's articles often descended in to a tirade of racial abuse, and everyone else at the company tolerated or defended him, then you could safely say that bit-tech is a bad company and by extension so is everyone who works for it.
    edzieba, MLyons and bawjaws like this.
  19. Bloody_Pete

    Bloody_Pete Technophile

    11 Aug 2008
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    What I said was the title is really right wing biased. Just read it, its going to be used be all right wing pundits to shoot down liberal left wing sides.
  20. liratheal

    liratheal Sharing is Caring

    20 Nov 2005
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    I don't know why, but racism in America just.. Fails to surprise or shock me anymore.

    It seems almost everyone out there is at least somewhat racist.

    Whether it's that woman who was recently filmed, and subsequently fired for, lying (Lying about the threatening part, I mean) about a coloured person being threatening knowing that the police response would be different for a person of colour than for a white person.

    Whether it's the police who've been shown on camera to beat, arrest, and kill people of colour (Although also white people, like that lady who somehow managed to shoot herself in the face, after taking a gun from an officer - while handcuffed) with almost universal impunity.

    Whether it's sports commentators with their "code" words for people of certain ethnicities.

    Whether it's politicians actively legislating in ways that affect people of colour more so than white folk.

    I know some Americans. I know that the ones I know aren't racist. I know not all Americans are racist. But it sure does seem like a lot of them are, whether they admit it to themselves or not.

    IMO, with regard to policing, there cannot be 'a few bad apples', because that environment breeds a bond in the squad, the department, the city, the state. Officers that, ordinarily, would not conduct themselves the way one of these 'bad apples' has is suddenly in a position where they are all but forced to protect their fellow officer, regardless of what they did. Whether it's misplacing the footage from body cameras, or standing idly by while someone is being choked to death, or falsifying a statement to sound more within the bounds of policing rules.

    If there'd been no footage of the murder of George Floyd, I'm reasonably sure that none of the involved officers would have faced any repercussions. I fully believe the department would have closed ranks and moved to protect the officers involved from being identified publicly, and corroborating statements of compliance with the rules would have put paid to any internal investigations, and no doubt the coroners report would be subtly altered to claim that the underlying health issues were the cause, and officer X did nothing wrong. Because I don't believe any of them wants to risk being the one who outs a colleague and faces the music for that in the event that nothing comes of their attempt to right a wrong.

    It's a hot button issue. It's radicalising a lot of people (Even on these forums.. Advocating certain punishments or retaliations), and with how many people in the midst of it are failing so terribly to de-escalate the rising tensions, I doubt this is going to get any better.

    Would it be a silver lining to this very dark cloud if this was the tipping point for the race-based issues being taken seriously and people of colour getting a fair shake of the justice stick? Absolutely. Is it likely? I sincerely doubt it.
    MLyons likes this.

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