That was one of the best races I've seen for a bit. Spoiler Hamiltion was lucky not to be caught up in the safety car problems, if he had winning would have been much harder. Reliability will be a biggie this year. DC's rant was awesome, Id bet that interview wont be broadcast.
Sounds like it was a great race, can't wait for the re-run and very much hope they show at least some of the DC rant.
LEWIS!!! Awesome race. Ole' square jaw has now become a legend. "If he doesn't take responsibility, I'll kick the **** out of the little *******"
Excellent race. Nice to see driver skill come back to the forefront rather than technology. Couthard's rant was a classic, but looking at the replay, it looked like he was the one at fault, not Massa.
QFT - How great is it to see 4 wheel drifting out of corners again? What happened to Hekki on the final lap though? He put a fab move on Alonso, only to have it almost immediately pinched back on the pit straight. Martin & James where as perplexed as I was... Ah - he pressed the wrong button:,18954,3213_3311048,00.html I suppose that puts him in good company, eh Lewis?
Yeah, he explained that afterwards and was laughing about it himself. He hit the speed limiter button by mistake after pulling a tear off, off his visor.
Anyone wanna buy an F1 team? 1 careful owner, who's willing to let you have all the red bull you can drink to seal the deal For sale: Toro Rosso Also, Napolean has quit as CEO at Ferrari: Todt steps down at Ferrari
Good race, but I'm disappointed that Hamilton didn't really do anything spectacular, he just precessed around and let everything wash past him. Shame about Ferrari's weekend - I usually support the red boys, and this weekend was a pure nightmare. Similarly what an exciting race! So many retirements and entertaining crashes. Awesome. I love having F1 back... It just rounds off a Sunday.
For those that missed Coulthards comments Warning, link contains some colourful language.
Great news for UK F1 fans... The BBC has secured the rights for next season's FI No more adverts during races All we need now, is for them to convince Murray Walker to return to commentating, just to put the icing on the cake
Link: Fantastic - and we need the Chain as the theme music again. If you're an F1 Fan, of a certain age, that'll be a blast of nostalgia... Brings back memories of Sundays past, when I was kid (that clip was '86 BTW) Here's how it went down: Bernie: So, what did you think about my girl then. She was great as a reporter, wasn't she? ITVSuits: Ermm.... Bernie: The way she asked all those questions and used mostly the right words. Brilliant. How long a contract are you going to give her? ITVSuits: Well... You see, It's like this Bernie... She was rubbish, and all the fans hated her. Bernie: I see. You do realise what's at stake here, don't you ITVSuits: Of course, but you know - she wasn't very good. How about a job behind the camera? Anything. [whispered]as long as she doesn't have to speak.[/whispered] Bernie: Can I use your phone? ITVSuits: Err - Yes? Bernie dials a number Bernie: Hello? Is the the DG of the BBC? Ah, Good. I'm going to give you an offer you can't refuse... Of course, it does raise the very real prospect of F1 in HD, as BBC has a dedicated HD channel, and all the races are covered by the FOM broadcasting units, which have HD camera IIRC. I wonder if that's why ITV lost the rights? The fact that they're dragging their heels over their HD service The thing is, I'd quite like them to poach Ted, Louise & Martin for the commentary. I've gotten so used to them, it'd be a shame to loose them. They can leave James Allen though.
Please leave him, I want Martin though! I'm looking forward to uninterrupted HD coverage. I still can't believe we have to put up with adverts in live sport, can you imagine what football fans would say do if they started putting adverts during the game.
HD Coverage and no adverts - SUPER WIN! I knew I was paying a TV license for something other than top gear.