Cyp, i am attempting a mod similar to yours, with a G5 case that need to be separated into the inner and outer cages. I have removed all the parts and dividers (including the plate between the top cd+hdd airflow-path-thing and the mobo airflow-path-thing). How did you manage to get all the torxs out? Any hints, help, special tools? I am trying with your normal Home Depot torx set, and it's slow going, and I just managed to turn my t-9 into a corkscrew. Any help and the simplest tips are much appreciated, eagle Your favorite sleep-deprived imitator [6 minutes till 3am!! Woot!]
With Torx drivers? If they have threadlocker on them, use a soldering iron and heat up the screw head to loosen the bond, then use the Torx driver.
Happy New Year all! Eagle Strike i just used brute force. Perhaps my case was older and the Torx looser but i do remember them being an absolute b*gger to get off. Try CyberSpyder's suggestion and perhaps giving them a tap or two with a small hammer? Cyp
Thanks Tungil. Cyp. ps shhh... dont tell anyone but i'm moving my PC over to another case as we speak to spruce up AppleCore's interior for that very reason.
HEY EVERYONE CYPRIO NOT FINISHED, THERE IS MORE TO COME!!!! opp's did i just let everyone know? ROFL!!!
Man, it's because of you I started my G5 mod, I love what you do, what you've done and what you'll do
The case itself is finished... no alterations there. I am just re-confguring the watercooling slightly in preparation for an upgrade to i7 at some point. Cyp.
^Sure, you say that now, but just wait.. You'll spot something that bugs you and you'll have to fix it *crosses fingers* - Or you'll find a Mac Pro case somewhere and start that
hello I've seen this incredible mod and i wanted to mod the powermac G5 someone gave to me. Where did you get the anti-vadalism front power button and what is the wiring to get power off/on ? Reset is possible anyway on this ? Will have others questions when i will begin to mod the case. (I'm from France so sorry if my english is not always perfect).
Welcome to the Bit Tech forums Xfab. I cant remember the exact shop where i got the Bulgin Anti Vandal (Vandal Resistant) Switch from but if you google it im sure you can find one in France that sells them, complete with wiring. If you can't find any you could try Chilled Pc or Kustom PCs as i think they sell them. Not sure if Reset is possible but i never use it anyway. Just turn the PC off by holding it down for a few seconds then turn it back on again. Best of luck with the mod and remember to start up a project log! Cyp. ps the case has now been gutted and working on ideas in my head for a simpler internal layout with a much simplified loop - possibly CPU only.
Update...yes you heard correctly. Update. Right. I'm back... for a little bit. The internals of AppleCoreDuo have always bugged me a tad. There was always a 'bit too much going on' in a very small space... so i have finally decided to do something about it. The motto of things from now on is "simpler is better". I will mainly be applying this to the watercooling loop (making it a CPU only loop with the dual PA120.2 radiator) but also have some ideas about simplifying the cabling (modular PSU) and cable management ('braiding' rather than 'hiding' strategy). Here is what i have managed to do so far with what i had lying around... by this i mean a can of primer and a can of black spray paint left over from the original build. I wouldn't normally do all this in an afternoon but the weather forcast was looking grim for the weekend and as it was a breezy and sunny day i applied the primer and 2 coats of paint with 30 min drying time gaps. This is what AppleCoreDuo's internals looked like after stripping the insides. Notice the chipped paint around the door due to the constant installing/removal of hardware and watercooling parts. First a very careful masking tape and newspaper job. I did not want to risk ANY paint getting on bits it wasn't supposed to! As much primer as i had: I ran out of paint just as i was almost done but cleverly left the bit under the mobo tray till last. I was quite nervous removing the masking tape but the original paint job held up well... Taaa Daaa! Little close up I also gave the PA a quick coat of primer and touch up. Yes, well spotted - this is why i ran out of paint on the case! Before: After: More updates next week after i have ordered some more supplies. Cyp. ps I would really appreciate some help with this:
First time coming across this log, and I have to say I am BLOWN AWAY. I do hope you won MOTM or something Damn, now my appetite's all whetted to get my hands on a G5.