As an addition to my completed project n64 HD im currently working on a wireless n64 controller which integrated a normal wireless pc controller...
Mario or Sonic? Base your choice taking both into account: 1. who's a 'cooler' character 2. who's got the better game(s).
Joe weighs in on the 3DS and wonders if 3D is all its cracked up to be.
I've been meaning to start my work log as I was building but I had alot of time constraints and decided to make it after I finished the mod so as...
I've just bought a Wii for xmas at the behest of the wife - a 'present to the family'. My lad is only 10 months old, so he's quite happy just...
There's not really much to say at the moment, other than these people look like they're trying to push the Wii in terms of graphical capability.... theres loads of gameplay footage etc on youtube so go look but yeah what does everybody think of this....
Has anyone been trying out the Korg DS-10 on their DS Lite? I received my copy last Thursday and have been playing with this exhaustive softsynth...
This came through in the post today for me, confusing me greatly for the first few minutes as I wondered how the hell I was going to play a game...
I've blown through a lot of batteries with my Wii since getting it... And seeing as my 'lovely' housemates won't replace the batteries even though...
Hey guys, just got myself DSquake and DSdoom running off my R4, sweet as anything! truly awesome! I want to make the step up to quake 2 DS....
I don't think you guys understand just how happy I am about this. I can't wait! more info here: Were any of...
Anyone else getting an error message when trying to watch stuff on iPlayer? Can't remeber the exact message now, but something along the lines of...
Is out this Friday! :) Seriously can't wait.
Hi, Just wanted to know if anyone has come across a 3rd party wii nunchcuk.
M3 Sakura 1.11X for US/EUR M3 Real Anyone tryed this on the m3 real yet? Im finding it a lot easyer...
apparently there's a NDS version of portal, homebrew talent stuff, dunno if it's any good cuz i haven't tried it yet, but apparently you can have...
Not really the biggest of console revisions but it seems pretty much certain that Nintendo will be throwing out some new colours for the Lites...
Anyone know of any good charging stations for wii remotes? Getting sick of buying batteries... :D TIA. :)
ok, so APART FROM MARIO KART, what's a good racer on the NDS? I've got mario kart, good fun n all, but i want something a little more serious. Any...
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